Modern Homesteading Series

Whether you live in the third story of an apartment or on a 10-acre plot of land, homesteading skills can help bring you and your family closer to the food you eat. Collecting eggs, tending the garden, canning, drying herbs - all these things and so much more can help you in your everyday life to become more connected to your food, family, and community. 

This past year, we offered monthly programs related to modern homesteading. We're excited to announce plans for another series in 2025! Come to one, come to a few, attend them all - there's something for everyone in this series!

2025 Modern Homesteading Program Schedule

Scheduled Topics

The following programs have been scheduled for the 2025 season. The series is free and open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, all events will be held at the Jackson County Extension office at 402 Ava Rd. in Murphysboro. 

For More Information

Sign up for our mailing list to get notifications about upcoming program or tips to help you with your homesteading journey!