Livestock Exhibit Guidelines - ALL livestock shows are pending approval and these guidelines are NOT final! DO NOT PRINT THIS VERSION! This is a preliminary copy for general livestock information ONLY to help you plan your potential livestock entries. More information to come soon.
Illinois 4-H Livestock Issues
State and Federal laws dictate the production and exhibition of livestock. Know what's required of you as an Illinois 4-H livestock producer and exhibitor.
Volunteers on the Livestock Auction Committee are hard at work planning to offer a livestock auction this summer. While they have high expectations to move forward, the following is a message from the committee, "All NON-auction animals will need to either be sent to market or home."
WEBSITE FOR YQCA: https://yqcaprogram.org
All 4-H exhibitors of these animals will be required to certify in the YQCA program by attending either a face to face class (pre-registration required) or certify online via the website: YQCA.org. The cost for the face-to-face training will be $3 and $12 for the online version.
How to Get Certified: There are three ways to earn YQCA certification.
Includes: Cats, Dogs, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Small Pet and any Animal Science General Project
The Quality Assurance and Ethics training is still required for youth in horses, rabbits, poultry, dogs, cats and small pets. You only need to take it once in your lifetime. Those who do not complete the training will be removed from the animal science project and will not be eligible to exhibit at county fairs.
Log into your ZSuite account to find the new QAEC training for companion animals can be found under the Clover Academy link on the left hand side.
Deadline July 1