July 9-10: Archery -Demonstration Judging
July 11: Air Rifle -Demonstration Judging
July 13: Dog Fun show
July 27: 4-H Dog show
July 18: General Project Judging - Computer Technologies, Robotics, Video - Extension Office
July 19 AM: General Project Judging - Sewing, Shopping, Interior Design, Photography, Individual & Group Cloverbud Projects - Bldg D
July 19 AM: General Project Judging - Visual Arts - 4-H Bldg
July 19 PM: General Project Judging - Animal/Vet Science, Cat & Small Pet show Civic Engagement & Service Learning, College & Career Readiness, Communications, Consumer Education, Leadership, Child Development, Family Heritage, Health, Intercultural, Theatre arts - 4-H Bldg
July 20 AM: General Project Judging - ALL Natural Res. & Environment Projects, Shooting Sports displays, ALL Engineering & Technologies: Aerospace, Woodworking, Tractor, Small Engines, Bicycle, Electricity, Welding, Maker - 4-H Bldg
July 21: Rabbit Show
July 29 AM: General Project Judging - Food & Nutrition: Cooking, Food Science, Sports Nutrition; Horticulture & Floriculture; Crops, Plants & Soils; Exploratory, Collections, County projects: Lego, model, reading, sports, conservation/environment
July 29 : Livestock check-in begins
July 30-Aug 4 – McHenry County Fair
July 30: Goat, Poultry, Swine Carcass Class
July 31: Dairy, Sheep, Swine Showmanship
Aug 1: Beef, Beef Carcass, Swine
Aug 1: 4-H Night
Aug 2: Horse show
Aug 3: Livestock Auction
Aug 4: Master Showman Competition
State Fair County Date: Aug 11 - See IL state website for more information
For full Show Resource: Show Resources
We encourage our judges and 4-H participants to watch this helpful video about the 4-H judging experience. You can watch some judging examples online to learn more.
Illinois State 4-H Awards: Experience, Excel and more
Illinois State 4-H Scholarships
Henry Marlowe Memorial I Dare You Award
Computer Science Technology Scholarship Award Application
Sponsored by: The R J Gallagher Family Technology Scholarship Fund This award is based on: Excellence in computer skills, character and community service. This application must be submitted or postmarked to the McHenry County Extension office for submission by JUNE 30th. Must be 15-18 years of age by September 1st of the 4-H year.
2021-22 McHenry County 4-H Foundation Scholarship Application
McHenry County 4-H Youth Foundation is offering Scholarships to current 4-H members who have completed High School or are in their last eligible year of 4-H Membership. (4-H age 17 -18 as of September 1, 2020) These scholarships are made available because of a combination of funds to include those raised at the Annual String Tie Affair fundraiser dinner/auction. Awards are based on involvement, achievement, leadership, and the impact that 4-H has had on your life. Hardcopy scholarship form HERE
What is 4-H?
The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach.
Typically thought of as an agriculturally focused organization as a result of its history, 4-H today focuses on citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs.
The 4-H Philosophy
Positive Youth Development
(PYD) is an intentional, pro-social approach that engages youth within their communities, schools, organizations, peer groups, and families in a manner that is productive and constructive; recognizes, utilizes, and enhances youths' strengths; and promotes positive outcomes for young people by providing opportunities, fostering positive relationships and furnishing the support needed to build on their leadership strengths.
What is so great about 4-H?
The 4-H Youth Development program is unique in the essence that it is specifically designed and facilitated by youth with the oversight of dynamic volunteer-leaders. The 4-H program is the ONLY youth development program that is specifically tailored to meet the needs and interest of participating youth. 4-H is whatever our youth want and/or needs it to be.
There are several ways youth may participate in the 4-H program:
Community Clubs:
4-H SPIN Clubs
Cloverbud program