Vegetable Garden Plant List


The 2022 vegetable garden design inspiration comes from stories. We looked to folklore, folk tales, fairy tales, and children’s books that involve vegetables to guide us in developing plans for the individual garden beds. These stories come from various cultures around the world.

Signs depicting an image from the story will be displayed in the beds they inspired. Story signs will rotate along with the vegetables, according to season. QR codes on the story signs allow visitors to use their phones to link to a synopsis of the story, along with additional information about the featured vegetable. Links to those stories are also below.

Spring Garden Stories

The Peter Rabbit bed will rotate its vegetables according to the season. Pea stories may return again in the fall.

Summer Garden Stories

Garden Designs by Season

We hope you will have a chance to enjoy the garden in all seasons. Our vegetables are harvested weekly and donated to The Courage Connection.
