You protect them from danger. Protect them from disease, too.
Are you curious about vaccines for your child?
Vaccines for children and adolescents are an important part of health and helps prevent the spread of viruses and disease. Pediatric vaccines have long been a part of child health and wellness, keeping many infectious diseases from spreading. The CDC can help you stay on schedule for your child's vaccinations.
What vaccines does my child need?
Starting at birth, a series of vaccines are recommended to help build a strong immune system for your child.
There are 12 common vaccines recommended for children 0 – 18 years of age.
- Vaccines with a * are required before children can attend childcare or school in Illinois. Other forms of immunity may be acceptable. For complete details, consult the Illinois Department of Public Health
Vaccines for children 0 – 6 years old
- Hepatitis B (Hep B) *
- Rotavirus (RV)
- Diphtheria, Pertussis, & Tetanus (DTaP) *
- Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) *
- Pneumococcal disease (PCV13, PCV15) *
- Polio (IPV) *
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) *
- Varicella (Chickenpox) *
- Hepatitis A (HepA)
Vaccines for children 7 – 18 years old
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, & Pertussis (Tdap)
- Human papillomavirus (HPV)
- Meningococcal disease (MenACWY)*
In addition to these vaccines, it is recommended that children receive a flu and COVID-19 vaccine each year. These are recommended yearly because they are updated for the latest type of virus. Read more about when each vaccine is needed and the disease each prevents.
We know life can sometimes be hectic. If you get behind on your child’s vaccine, don’t worry. You can catch up. Talk to your doctor about the minimum time period between doses and plan to get your child the vaccines they need.
Worried about what is in vaccines?
Each part of the vaccine serves a specific purpose, and only necessary ingredients are used. The main ingredients in vaccines:
- Provide immunity
- Keep the vaccine stable during shipping and storage
- Make the vaccine more effective
Read more about vaccine ingredients and their main purpose.
Did you know?
Due to an effective vaccine, smallpox no longer exists. It was so successful that people no longer had to get the smallpox vaccine.Fewer people are likely to get the disease when enough people are vaccinated. For example, there are now few measles, mumps, and polio cases. There are 14 diseases where there are few cases due to effective vaccines.
Need more information?
Read more from the Center for Disease Control to help you make vaccine decisions.
This information is being provided in collaboration with the Illinois Public Health Association

Vaccine Resources for Parents
Funding provided by the Illinois Department of Public Health.