News Releases

Grow great vegetables with beginner gardening webinar series
URBANA, Ill. – The spring of 2020 saw a surge of gardeners taking up the trowel for the first time to try their hand at growing vegetables. This year come prepared with Growing Great Vegetables, a seven-week webinar series covering the basics of starting a vegetable garden start to finish led by...
Master Gardener program offers two online training options
URBANA, Ill. — For 46 years, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners have measured success by gardens planted, insects identified, produce harvested, and the millions of hours volunteers have logged. From farms and...
Every day is a good day for environmental stewardship
URBANA, Ill. – The environment impacts daily life. From planning for the day's weather to stewarding natural resources, there's a part of everyone to play. Small changes in daily lifestyle choices can have a positive impact on the environment....
Add a pop of color to gray winter months with indoor plants
MURPHYSBORO, Ill. – Adding a pop of color to the gray winter months helps combat depression that often accompanies long periods of time without sunshine. Learn to care for indoor tropical plants during a free webinar at 2 p.m. Dec. 17, presented by ...
Be creative with your Thanksgiving meal
URBANA, Ill. – This year is forcing families to rethink everything, from education to outings. Instead of stressing over the changes or feeling sad about what you’re losing this year, University of Illinois Extension has some creative ideas to help...
Put thankfulness in your Thanksgiving holiday season
URBANA, Ill – As families take precautions to keep everyone safe this Thanksgiving, favorite holiday traditions are getting a fresh perspective. University of Illinois Extension family life specialist Cheri Burcham ...
turkey on table
Smaller turkeys, lower prices on Thanksgiving menu
URBANA, Ill. – As concerns rise over the possible spread of coronavirus during large family gatherings, the expected smaller holiday party size is affecting the food production industry. Smaller guest invites means consumers are looking for smaller whole turkeys on the holiday menu in...
Illinois Extension staff honored for life-changing programs
URBANA, Ill. – University of Illinois Extension helps help families, businesses, and community leaders develop the skills people need to address local problems and build better futures. Award-winning staff were honored during the organization’s...
Don't get sick from your holiday turkey
The main centerpiece of a traditional Thanksgiving celebration may well be the turkey. The honor of carving is often reserved for a special family member. But before carving, the turkey must be cooked, and cooked safely....
Farmdoc Illinois Economic Summit: Farm management guide in difficult times
URBANA, Ill. – The past year has been a year like no other for Illinois agriculture. While the year started optimistically with talks of a surge in agricultural exports resulting from the trade agreement with China, the COVID-19 pandemic rocked the global economy. Most agricultural prices...
Extension program promotes brain health in older adults
URBANA, Ill. – Our brains control important executive functions, such as speaking, thinking, learning, making sound decisions, and remembering. In addition to physical exercise, getting at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep and eating a heart-healthy diet improves ...
Explore, learn and grown with Wee Naturalists virtual program
URBANA, Ill. – Nature is a place for children to explore, learn and grow and the new virtual Wee Naturalists program allows for just that. University of Illinois Extension is once again offering nature-loving children, families and educators the opportunity to explore a different nature...