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News Releases
Green leaves of a bur oak tree on a new spring branch.
Root awakening: spring tree tips
URBANA, Ill. — As winter fades and the first signs of spring emerge, it's time to give trees the care they need to thrive. Trees, like all living things, require attention and maintenance, especially as they transition from dormancy to the growing season. Help trees recover from winter damage,...
a whitetailed deer running through grass in fall
Hunters Feeding Illinois provides 97,000 meals to Illinois families
URBANA, Ill. — In the 2024-25 hunting season, Hunters Feeding Illinois distributed 25,794 pounds of frozen, ground venison to 54 food pantries across east-central and southern Illinois. This provided an estimated 97,000 meals, reaching nearly 49,800 families.Formerly the Illinois Deer...
A man speaks to a group of people outside on a tour
Extension bridges gap between environmental research and real-world solutions
Strong natural systems and the resources they provide, from water filtration to renewable energy sources, are a vital part of healthy, robust communities. One of the core University of Illinois Extension program areas – natural resources, environment, and energy – connects communities across the...
A grouping of award-winning pink and yellow-striped blooming petunia flowers.
Explore 2025 All-America Selection plant, flower award winners
URBANA, Ill. — Another Illinois winter comes closer to a close, depending on which region of the state you live in. Cold and snowy days may have drug on, but the promise of spring and garden catalogs ease the time before March planting. Whatever the plan is for 2025 gardens, leave room for those...

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