Lawrence County 4-H

What's it like in 4-H?


In 4-H, you get to decide what topics and projects interest you most. You make 4-H what you want it to be. Work on many projects or focus on one or two. Choose what events sound fun to you, and do them. In 4-H, you have an important role in making your community a better place to live, but you don’t have to do it alone. As a club, you’ll figure out what’s needed most in your neighborhood and find ways to help.

In 4-H, you’re part of a family working together. At club meetings, you’ll learn how to get along with others as you build your skills and help your community. In 4-H, you’ll meet adults who care about you and want to help you succeed. 4-H matches you with mentors who will coach you in areas like problem solving, communicating, and teamwork. 4-H introduces you to potential careers and then gives you the training to get the career you want.


4-H Clubs 

Adventure Club: meetings vary,  but are held in Sumner. Leader: Crystal Kerr

BGS Cloverbuds, in school club for all Bridgeport Grade School 2nd grade students. Leaders: Beth Heath and Nicole Stoneberger 

Clever Clovers: meets 4th Monday of the month at 6:30 pm in Sumner. Leaders: Rita Palmer, Mike Palmer, and Natalie Puntney 

Faithful Friends: meets 2nd Friday of the month at 10:00 am in Lawrenceville. Leader: Lydia Anderson 

Lucky Clovers: Meets 3rd Monday of the month at 5:30 pm in Sumner. Leaders: Angle Meek and Ashley Volkman 

Russell Community Club: meetings vary. Leaders: Deb Weger, Julie Decker, and Jaeleigh Waller 

Trailblazers Horse and Pony Club: meetings and locations vary. Leader: Mandy Loveland 

Spin Clubs

Lawrence County Youth Anglers: club for youth ages 8-18 who would like to learn more about sport fishing. Meetings and locations vary. Leader: Jeremy Hudson 

Lawrence County Shooting Sports: club for youth wanting to learn more about shooting sports disciplines.                        

**Please contact a leader or the Lawrence County Extension Office for meeting locations.  

FAIR AND SHOW INFORMATION - This section includes the fair show book, fair schedule, project record sheets and forms you may need when completing and showing your project.

2025 Lawrence County 4-H Fair Schedule

COUNTY AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIP FORMS - This section includes county specific award application forms and scholarship application forms

2025 4-H Senior Scholarship Application


NEWSLETTERS - This section contains current 4-H year newsletters.

March 2025 Newsletter

February 2025 Newsletter

December 2024/January 2025 Newsletter

RESOURCES - This section contains resources or links to resources 4-H members, leaders, or families might need.

Fair Entry Instructions - 2024

Livestock Identification Forms

Off Premise Form

QAEC Instructions for Zsuite

YQCA Instructions

New member enrollment video - A step-by-step video of how to enroll in 4-H on the Zsuite website

Re-enrollment video - A step-by-step video of how to re-enroll in 4-H on the Zsuite website.

2024-2025 Publications Order Form

Project Manuals/Publications Required for Projects

2024-2025 4-H Project Exhibit Guidelines and Project Changes

2025 Public Speaking Contest Guidelines

Horse Ownership and Leasing Paperwork

Dog Ownership and Leasing Paperwork

For More Information