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Southern Illinois Food Security Summit

Canned goods on a table
Event Date(s)
Event Time
City of Marion Pavilion, 1602 Sioux Drive, Marion, IL 62959

Hunger is often hidden, but it is a huge issue in southern Illinois. In fact, according to Feeding America's Map the Meal Gap, more than 45,000 (14.3%) southern Illinoisans struggle with having enough food to eat. The second annual Southern Illinois Food Security Summit will identify strategies to reduce food insecurity and build the health of our region. Stephen Ericson, Executive Director for Feeding Illinois, will be the keynote speaker highlighting nutrition security efforts and increasing healthy, fresh, local produce in our food banks and food pantries through the Farmer to Food Bank initiative. Participants will then hear from various southern Illinois food access projects through short-dynamic lightning talks. Speakers will highlight SNAP-EBT and Link Match programs at Farmers Markets, food insecurity screening and referral efforts, and taking a trauma-informed approach to address food security. Three agencies will share how their Food Security Summit mini-grant impacted local efforts. Finally, the day will end with participants working together to identify and prioritize strategies to support southern Illinois food access and nutrition security. 

The summit is scheduled for September 8 at the City of Marion Pavilion. Food pantries, schools, healthcare providers, farmers, businesses, religious and community organizations, and community members interested in addressing food security are encouraged to attend. The cost of attendance is $15 and includes lunch. Register now at For more information, call Toni Kay Wright at 618-993-3304 or