Piney Creek Ravine is a designated Illinois Nature Preserve with unique natural communities and prehistoric rock art. Hear about the ecology, plants, and animals found in the area as we walk the trail and take in the sights. The hike will take place March 10, 2024 at 11:00am at Piney Creek Ravine State Natural Area (37.89060, -89.63803) (Or, 10:15am to carpool from Murdale Shopping Center parking lot in Carbondale). This is a joint event of Illinois Extension Forestry and the Shawnee Group of the Sierra Club. The trail is around 2 miles in length and moderately rugged. Bring a water and snack if desired. More information about the site may be found on the IDNR website: https://dnr.illinois.gov/parks/park.pineycreek.html
This event is free, but space is limited and registration is required. Sorry, no pets allowed.
Contact Kevin Rohling if you have questions at krohling@illinois.edu or 618-695-3383 (office).
Notification of cancellations due to weather or other issues will be sent via email a day or two in advance.