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Blog Posts

A stack of recently cut logs
Read article: The Hidden Dangers of Sharing Firewood: Protecting Our Trees
The Hidden Dangers of Sharing Firewood: Protecting Our Trees
If there is one certainty for all humans is that we are drawn to natural elements. Two of the best examples are how we can become transfixed when...
Read article: Rooted for natural carbon storage
Rooted for natural carbon storage
Trees in neighborhoods enhance our environment by creating beautiful green landscapes, providing climbing fun for kids, and offering us shade on...
Read article: The urban forest is a climate tool for all
The urban forest is a climate tool for all
I’m walking through a central Illinois neighborhood in mid-May this spring. The temperature is 92 degrees Fahrenheit, one degree shy of the record,...
Norway maple leaves
Read article: Norway Maple Woes: Why it’s on my Do Not Plant list
Norway Maple Woes: Why it’s on my Do Not Plant list
We are stuck with the trees planted by those who came before us. At least I am at my house. Mostly because they are so expensive to cut down. One...

News Releases

owl prowl
Join us for the nighttime adventure of the Night Owl Prowl
LIVINGSTON, Ill. – The 2024 calendar year has been a thriving and encouraging time at Fugate Woods with multiple educational events bringing the community together. The University of Illinois Extension Master Naturalists and Prairie Lands Foundation have led six events in 2024 already, and if...
man in safety vest with ipad looking at a tree trunk in a forest
Learn how to properly manage your forest
Join Chris Evans, University of Illinois Extension Forestry Specialist for a Forest Management Plan Workshop on Saturday, October 19 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Elizabeth Community Building, HWY 20 West, Elizabeth, IL. There will be a $40 fee to attend this workshop. Pre-registration is...


Making Maple Syrup - A Basic Introduction

This video gives a basic overview of all of the steps involved in making maple syrup as we walk through the maple syrup production process at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center in southern Illinois.

Interested in making maple syrup? The Dixon Springs Agricultural Center in southern...
