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News Releases
gloved hand holding packets of seeds over a container garden bed of lettuce
Gardening Terms Defined
Gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in the United States with an estimated fifty-five percent of households participating annually. During the Covid-19 pandemic, it is estimated that 18.3 million people tried gardening for the...
National Nutrition Month: Food Connects Us
March is National Nutrition Month, a time to celebrate the vital role that food plays in our lives. This year's theme, "Food Connects Us," emphasizes how food is more than just sustenance; it's a powerful connector of cultures, traditions...
A person leaning over to use garden snips to cut off a section of the houseplant for propagation.
From one to many: A beginner's guide to plant propagation
URBANA, Ill. — Many indoor gardeners quickly discover that one houseplant is rarely enough. What begins as an admiration for a charming or unique plant often evolves into a strong desire, or even a need, to fill every corner of a home or office with lush greenery. A simple and cost-effective way...

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