You make 4-H what you want it to be. In 4-H, you get to decide what topics and projects interest you. You’re part of a family working together. At club meetings, you’ll learn how to get along with others as you build your skills with the help of adult 4-H volunteers who care about you and want to help you succeed. 4-H introduces you to potential careers and then gives you the training to get the career you want. Join our 4-H family today!
We have 4-H Community Clubs you can join in cities and towns across our county: 4-H in the City, Silvis | Buccaneers, Port Byron | Edgington Go-Getters, Edgington | Hayburners, Milan | Magical Muggles, Moline | Rockridge Royals, Milan | Rural Go-Getters, Orion | Rural True Blues, Orion | Trail Blazers, Sherrard | Zuma Zippers, Port Byron