
Vegetable Gardening Series at Rock Island library

Seed and Plant Choices, Soils and Fertilizers
County: Rock Island

The 2nd of our five-week series from University of Illinois Extension will take place on March 10: Seed and Plant Choices, Soils and Fertilizers

Led by Emily Swihart, horticulture educator,…

Seed and Plant Choices, Soils, and Fertilizers

Growing Great Vegetables Webinar Series

NOTE: Registration is required for all sessions of the Growing Great Vegetables Series by Feb. 28. Space is limited and after Feb. 28, registration is closed. 

Start garden planning before…

Is It All in My Head? Mind-Body Approaches to Pain

Community Seminar Series: Springtime Science 2025
Learn how biopsychosocial factors affect body sensations and find practical ways to use this model daily.

It's no secret that biopsychosocial factors can lead to uncomfortable body sensations, but…

Pruning Methods and Benefits of Trees

Community Tree Care Series
Trees are essential to nature’s landscape and our daily lives.

Discover the incredible ways trees enhance our lives and communities in this session. From improving air quality and reducing energy…

Follow the Drop: Illinois Water from Source to Tap

Everyday Environment Webinar Series
Do you know where your drinking water comes from? 

Illinois is a diverse state when it comes to water resources, and where your water comes from depends on how much is available, the quality…

Land Leasing Basics

Legal Training for Illinois Small Farms Webinar Series
Don’t forget about the basics when considering leasing land. 

Leasing farmland is so commonplace that landowners, farmers, and ranchers may not think twice about the lease itself. Until things…

Cool-Season Vegetables

Growing Great Vegetables Webinar Series

NOTE: Registration is required for all sessions of the Growing Great Vegetables Series by Feb. 28. Space is limited and after Feb. 28, registration is closed. 

Discover which crops grow as…

Vegetable Gardening Series at Rock Island library

Cool Season Vegetables
County: Rock Island

The 3rd of our five-week series from University of Illinois Extension will take place on March 24: Cool Season Vegetables

Led by Emily Swihart, horticulture educator, participants can attend…

Warm-Season Vegetables

Growing Great Vegetables Webinar Series

NOTE: Registration is required for all sessions of the Growing Great Vegetables Series by Feb. 28. Space is limited and after Feb. 28, registration is closed. 

Discover what crops grow as…

Diversity and Advocacy and Choosing Nursery Stock

Community Tree Care Series
Communities with healthy, viable trees are impacted through improved air quality and reduced stress.

Join this session set to empower tree people to advocate for the protection and expansion of…