The Outsider Newsletter

Current Issue

Managing Your Winter Landscape to Support Wildlife

Winter can be a challenging season for wildlife, but with thoughtful landscaping practices, homeowners can create spaces that nurture birds, insects, and other creatures. By providing food, shelter, and overwintering habitats, you can ensure your yard is a haven for wildlife while enriching your connection to nature. Explore more in this issue

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Never miss an issue of The Outsider. This monthly horticulture resource to educate and inspire highlights seasonal plants, gardening, planting, or growing tasks, and outside activities you can do. It is written by Emily Swihart, Illinois Extension horticulture educator serving Henry, Mercer, Rock Island and Stark Counties.


The Outsider is a monthly horticulture resource to educate and inspire! It will highlight seasonal plants, gardening, planting, or growing tasks and outside activities you can do. It is written by Emily Swihart, Illinois Extension horticulture educator serving Henry, Mercer, Rock Island and Stark Counties. Don't miss an issue - Sign up for The Outsider to be sent to your email @