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Master Naturalist


Blog Posts

Purple Lovegrass in a native bed
Read article: Grasses: Beyond the Lawn
Grasses: Beyond the Lawn
Grasses are an often-underappreciated component of landscaping.  They don’t have the showy flowers of many forbs and are thus overlooked. ...
A wooden frame holding native seed collected at Nachusa Grasslands in Northern Illinois
Read article: Beginner’s Guide to Collecting Native Seeds for Autumn
Beginner’s Guide to Collecting Native Seeds for Autumn
Autumn is a time for…life? This may seem perplexing, as we often link fall with plants dying, wildlife migrating, and us retreating indoors. However...
two men in the woods
Read article: Invasive plants are no match for local Extension Master Naturalists
Invasive plants are no match for local Extension Master Naturalists
When certain plants get established in an ecosystem they can choke out the more beneficial native plants. Left unchecked, those invasive species can...
Man standing and speaking in front of group
Read article: Extension Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists share expertise through Speakers Bureau
Extension Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists share expertise through Speakers Bureau
It's been said that "The only reason to give a speech is to change the world." Illinois Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) and Master Naturalists...

News Releases

group of adults looking up at trees on a trail
West-Central Illinois Master Naturalists Expand Volunteer Efforts in 2024
Quincy, Ill. – Illinois Master Naturalist volunteers are making a significant impact in their communities, connecting people with nature through conservation, education, and hands-on restoration projects.In 2024, West-Central Illinois Master Naturalists contributed over 1,600 hours of...
Person planting seeds
Swap seeds at Woodford community event
WOODFORD Ill. – The cold and snowy days have arrived, making it the perfect time to dream about how your yard or garden might look this coming summer. Cultivating native plants that naturally thrive in our region offers numerous advantages. Once established, these plants...
A woman stands in a grassy field holding a long blade of grass
Can one person make a difference on environmental issues?
Global environmental issues like habitat loss and pollution can feel overwhelming. Can one person’s actions make a difference? Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator Erin Garrett believes so. Garrett provides...
a guy in a field of yellow brown eyes susans with a field of corn in the background
Farmer leads the way in environmental conservation efforts
LEWISTOWN, Ill. - Commercial row-crop agriculture and environmental conservation are not mutually exclusive. While large-scale farming operations can sometimes have negative environmental impacts, many farmers are increasingly adopting sustainable practices that promote biodiversity and...

