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Master Naturalist


Blog Posts

Man standing and speaking in front of group
Read article: Extension Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists share expertise through Speakers Bureau
Extension Master Gardeners and Master Naturalists share expertise through Speakers Bureau
It's been said that "The only reason to give a speech is to change the world." Illinois Extension Master Gardeners (EMG) and Master Naturalists...
lightning bug glowing on a blade of grass
Read article: Shedding light on lightning bugs
Shedding light on lightning bugs
Are they “lightning bugs”? Or do you prefer “fireflies”? Either way, these living, glowing little lamps are an inimitable sign that summer is truly...
eastern bluebird with caterpillar
Read article: Field notes from the bluebird trail
Field notes from the bluebird trail
By Joe Huether, Illinois Extension Master Naturalist serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesFor as long as I can remember, I’ve...
native plant demonstration garden
Read article: Native plant demonstration garden flourishes in its first year
Native plant demonstration garden flourishes in its first year
Volunteers from the Fulton County Farm Bureau, Extension Master Gardeners, and Extension Master Naturalists planted close to 200 native plants around...

News Releases

Pollinator Palooza at Carlyle Lake: A Free Family-Friendly Event
University of Illinois Extension invites the community to Pollinator Palooza, a free outdoor event celebrating our vital pollinators! Join us at the Carlyle Lake Visitor Center on [Event Date] for a day of educational fun and engaging activities designed to highlight the importance of...
