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Everyday Environment


Everyday Environment explores the intricate web of connections that bind us to the natural world. From water, air, energy, plants, and animals to the complex interactions within these elements, we aim to unravel the ties that link us to our environment. Through podcasts, blogs,  webinars, and videos, you'll gain a deeper understanding of and appreciation for these connections in Illinois and beyond.

Presentations primarily in Spanish

Hispanic 4-H Juntos Family Experience | Rockford | March 27


Have you considered going to college but don't know the next steps? We have the answers for you at the 4-H Juntos Family Experience taking place at Rock Valley College in Rockford. This event will be presented primarily in Spanish and cover college admissions, financial aid, and dual-credit opportunities. Plus, check out the college during the campus walking tours every hour. 

News Releases
Green leaves of a bur oak tree on a new spring branch.
Root awakening: spring tree tips
URBANA, Ill. — As winter fades and the first signs of spring emerge, it's time to give trees the care they need to thrive. Trees, like all living things, require attention and maintenance, especially as they transition from dormancy to the growing season. Help trees recover from winter damage,...
sign on white fence that says compost happens
Illinois Extension to train new wave of community compost leaders
OREGON, Ill. - Composting plays a vital role in creating sustainable communities, from reducing waste to enriching soil. This spring, learn to be a composting leader with University of Illinois Extension's Compost Ambassador program.The five-week training program, which began in Cook,...
Spring Break Gardening 2025 with Flowers
Spring Centerpieces
Join University of Illinois Extension Program Coordinator Nikki Keltner as she presents “Spring Centerpieces” as part of the Spring Break Gardening Series on Thursday, April 17 at 1:30 p.m. This program is being held at the Jo Daviess County Extension Office, 204 N. Vine Street, Elizabeth, IL....
Two women standing and smiling.
Ogle County 4-H families donate to Liberty Village
OREGON, Ill. - Ogle County 4-H families donated craft items to Liberty Village of Rochelle. The Activities Department will be able to use the items in group activities and distribute items to the residents.PHOTO: Liberty Village of Rochelle was thankful for the donations. Pictured L...

Getting Started with Home Composting

Compost is decomposed organic material. Compost is made with material such as leaves, shredded twigs, and kitchen scraps from plants. To gardeners, compost is considered "black gold" because of its many benefits in the garden. Compost is a great material for garden soil. Adding compost to clay soils makes them easier to work and plant. In sandy soils, the addition of compost improves the water holding capacity of the soil. By adding organic matter to the soil, compost can help improve plant growth and health. Composting is also a good way to recycle leaves and other yard waste. Compost Ambassador Training begins on April 2.

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