News Releases

Youth and adult standing in front of banner that says Ogle 4-H.
Ogle County 4-H Public Presentations winners announced
OREGON, Ill. - This year’s 4-H Public Presentations Contest was held Saturday, March 8, at the Ogle County Farm Bureau. Thank you, Anderson Feeds, for sponsoring the Public Presentation Award.Top of Class Formal Speech –Beginner (aged 8-13) ......................................... ...
Three male youth with 4-H clovers
4-H Penny Carnival winners announced
OREGON, Ill. - The Ogle County 4-H Federation hosted its annual 4-H Penny Carnival at the Blackhawk Center in Oregon on March 8.   Penny Carnival is much like a fun fair, but features games dreamed up and designed by the 4-H clubs in the county.  All twelve of the county's clubs...
Spring Break Gardening 2025 with Flowers
Rainwater Management in Your Home Landscape
Join Jay Solomon, University of Illinois Extension Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator, for “Rainwater Management in Your Home Landscape” on Tuesday, April 8 at 1:30 p.m. at the Jo Daviess County Extension Office, 204 N. Vine Street, Elizabeth, IL. There will be a $5 fee to...
Looking into a row of planted, growing seedling trays under grow lights.
Get a jump start on spring by starting seeds at home
URBANA — As spring creeps closer and closer, gardeners start to get the itch to go outside and start digging in the dirt. While it may still be too early to do that, seed starting is a popular way to kick off the gardening season. Benefits of Starting SeedsSeeds started...
Illinois Extension Compost Ambassador training
Illinois Extension to train new wave of community compost leaders
URBANA, Ill. — From reducing waste to enriching soil, composting plays a vital role in creating sustainable communities. This spring, learn to be a composting leader with University of Illinois Extension's Compost Ambassador program.The five-week training program, which began in Cook,...
Spoon in hand over a bowl
Serve It Safely: Food Handlers Course
Selling and serving food remains a popular fundraising activity for many community groups. If you belong to a service club, church group, youth group, special interest club, or any non-profit organization, chances are good that you sell food. Any time your group sells food, it is essential to...
Older woman and man
Extension's Wits Workout program promotes brain health in older adults
MOUNT MORRIS, Ill. - Our brains control essential executive functions, such as speaking, thinking, learning, making sound decisions, and remembering. In addition to physical exercise, getting at least seven to eight hours of quality sleep and eating a heart-healthy diet improves brain fitness...
Five youth walking on sidewalk and laughing
Hispanic 4-H Juntos Family Experience set for March 27
DEKALB, Ill. - Mark your calendar for the Hispanic 4-H Juntos Family Experience on Thursday, March 27, from 1 – 4 PM, at Rock Valley College, Main Campus Stenstrom Center, at 3301 N Mulford Rd. in Rockford. This event will be presented primarily in Spanish and includes presentations on college...
A masked man with a headlight holds a bat in gloved hands
Genomic tools provide clearer view of health for endangered bats
URBANA, Ill. — How do wildlife researchers know when an endangered population is sick? They can detect infectious microbes in animal waste, but the presence of a microbe doesn’t always equate to impactful symptomatic infections. In a...
A person leaning over to use garden snips to cut off a section of the houseplant for propagation.
From one to many: A beginner's guide to plant propagation
URBANA, Ill. — Many indoor gardeners quickly discover that one houseplant is rarely enough. What begins as an admiration for a charming or unique plant often evolves into a strong desire, or even a need, to fill every corner of a home or office with lush greenery. A simple and cost-effective way...
pink flowers
Starting Vegetable Seeds Successfully
Join University of Illinois Extension Educator Grant McCarty as he presents “Starting Vegetable Seeds Successfully” as part of the Spring Break Gardening Series. This first program in the series will be held on Tuesday, March 18 at the Jo Daviess County Extension Office, 204 Vine Street,...
farm fields
Land Leasing Basics Webinar Offered
Leasing farmland is so commonplace that landowners, farmers, and ranchers may not think twice about the lease itself… until things go wrong. Prevent problems with a strong lease while building a path to a resilient future. Learn more at the Land Leasing Basics Webinar,...
food prep
Get your certified food protection manager certification
FREEPORT, Ill.--Americans love dining out. Whether we are celebrating a special occasion or simply eating on the go, eating out is very much a part of our lives. With an ever-growing number of individuals eating out, it is more important than ever to ensure consumers have exceptional, high-...