4-H in DeKalb County
Join 4-H Today
Reminders and Registrations

4-H Enrollment is Open
New and re-enrolling members should enroll in Zsuite once they know what club they are joining and at least one project they are taking.

2024-25 4-H Project Guide
Check-out all the project you have available.

Project Manuals
To request a project manual please fill out this form and return it to the Extension office.
Newsletters and Flyers
4-H Delivers Public Speaking Training on February 4 from 6-7:30 PM at the Machine Shed Restaurant (7475 E. State St. Rockford) Registration is required by Jan. 28 at go.illinois.edu/4HPSWorkshop Everyone is welcome and you don't need to be enrolled in the Public Speaking project to attend.
4-H Creative Arts Project Day on February 17 from 9 AM - 3 PM at the DeKalb County Farm Bureau building. See the flyer for description of the classes and register at go.illinois.edu/CreativeArtsDay You must be enrolled in 4-H to participate. Open to 4-H members 8 -18 years old in Boone, DeKalb and Ogle Counties.
Winter Fun Day - Ice Skating on February 22 from 2-4 PM at the Riverside Ice Arena in Belvidere. The DeKalb 4-H Federation is sponsoring a winter fun day of ice skating and hot chocolate. All 4-H families in DeKalb and Boone Counties are invited. Federation will cover the cost of entry for 4-H'ers. Bring your own skates or rent them them for $5. parents (or non-4-H members) that want to skate cost $5. Registration is required by Tuesday, Feb. 17 at go.illinois.edu/WinterFunDay
Super Saturday is Saturday, March 8 from 9 AM to 2:30 PM in the DeKalb County Farm Bureau building. It is a fun hands-on learning day for kids ages 8-18 (as of Sept. 1, 2024). First read through the flyer and then registration opens on February 10. It is first come first served. You can pay on the day of the event. Registration closes on Feb. 24. You can sign-up for 1 or more (up to 5) classes. You can also invite a friend to attend (be sure they register too.)
Archery Schedule for 2024-205: They meet at the Aurora Sportsman's Club south of Waterman twice a month on Sundays from 1-3 PM if the weather cooperates. All the equipment is provided and the cost is $20/year in addition to the $20 4-H enrollment fee. Please email Nicole at groezing@illinois.edu if you are interested in joining this year.
Air Rifles Schedule for 2024-25: They are having an Open House on September 9 from 6-7:15 at the Sycamore Sportsman's Club for anyone interested in learning more about the air rifle project. The first meeting for air rifles is October 3. They meet at the Sycamore Sportsman's Club on Thursdays. All equipment is provided and the cost is $25 project fee for a 5 week session plus $10 Sportsman's club fee for each 5 week session. More information and registration for Session #1 is on Sign-up Genius.
2024-25 Zsuite Enrollment Directions
Winter 4-H Newsletter: 2025
Livestock Flashes: 2025
Summer 4-H Newsletter: 2024
4-H Club Reports
As a club reporter it is important that you write a brief article about your club meeting and special events. Those reports can be sent to the local newspapers as well as the Extension office. To be included on this page drop off the article to the Extension Office or email it to Nicole at: groezing@illinois.edu. Share what you are doing at your 4-H club meetings with the community and other 4-H’ers!
- Malta Mustangs - May
- Malta Mustangs - April
- Shabbona Pioneer - April
- Shabbona Pioneers - November
- Malta Mustangs - November
- Malta Mustangs - December
- Malta Mustangs - January
- Malta Mustangs - February
County Announcements
Fairs and Shows
- 2025 Public Speaking Contest on March 27 at 6 PM in the DeKalb County Farm Bureau building - Open to the public
- 2024 DeKalb County Entire Fairbook
- FairEntry Enrollment Directions: DeKalb 2024
- Auction Rules & Regulations
- Auction Participation Form - Due June 10
- 2023 4-H Blue Ribbon Auction Buyers & Contributors
- 2023 DeKalb County 4-H Award Sponsors
- General Project Report Form Fill this form out if you are not able to show in-person and include it with your project. Contact Nicole at groezing@illinois.edu if you can't show in-person at least 1 week before the show.
Awards, Club Forms, Record Book Forms
All of the following award applications are in a fillable PDF format. Before filling out the application, open the document in Adobe Acrobat and save it to your computer. All award applications are due no later than Friday, September 6, 2024.
- Brown Award for Leadership Application The purpose of this award is to recognize DeKalb County 4-H members who have developed the basic life skills needed to be good citizens and community leaders. The organizational leader of any DeKalb County 4-H Club may nominate one 4-H member from his/her club for this leadership award.
- I Dare You Award Application This award is for 4-H members, who are 14 – 16 as of September 1, 2023. 4-H members are selected for this award only once. 4-H Leaders can nominate a 4-H’er from their club to receive this award. The I Dare You Leadership Award recognizes those who, with a little encouragement, are ready to see themselves as leaders – young adults who are ready to take the dare. Leaders are encouraged to complete a brief award form addressing the nomination’s personal qualities that would make them an effective leader.
- Alumni Award
- Outstanding 4-H Supporter Application This award offers 4-H clubs the opportunity to recognize individuals, families, businesses, or organizations for their dedication, support and involvement with the DeKalb County 4-H program. 4-H clubs are encouraged to be creative and take this opportunity to recognize individuals that have assisted their 4-H club or the county 4-H program.
- Outstanding 4-H Volunteer Application This award gives 4-H clubs the opportunity to recognize any 4-H volunteer for their dedication and support of their club’s programming efforts, or at the county level. Individuals nominated need not be a 4-H alumni…they only have to have been a volunteer for the 4-H program.
Club Forms & Resources
Record Book
- Use the record book for all the things you do in 4-H this year.
- Write 2-3 “Project Goals” for each project at the beginning of the 4-H year.
- Record participation in club offices, committees, projects, 4-H events, community service, promotions, leadership, school and community activities & 4-H ribbons/awards.
- This record book is your personal work. Handwriting or typing should be your own.
- You may add additional lines and spaces if needed.
- Your signature and that of your parent/guardian & leader are required. Electronic signatures are acceptable.
- Download your preferred format and save it to your computer. Then type in the requested information and save.
- Easy Edit Word Format with text boxes
- Easy Edit PDF Format with text boxes
- Word Format with tables
- 2023-2024 Cheat Sheet with county events and programs
Livestock Records
- Illinois 4-H Scholarship: These merit-based scholarships are awarded to five Illinois 4-H members in each category listed below. Scholarships are $1,000 and can be used to pay for any college-related costs. Scholarships are paid directly to the educational institution of the member’s choice. Members must be 15-19 years old, be currently enrolled in the Illinois 4-H program and must have been a 4-H member for a minimum of 2 years. Online applications must be submitted to the State 4-H Office by November 1. Applicants will also need to request reference forms from two references. Categories include: Animal Science, Civic Engagement/Global Living, Food Systems, Healthy Living/Nutrition, Leadership, Natural Resources & Environmental Science, Personal Growth, and STEM/Robotics
- Foundation Educational Scholarship: Applicants must be current or past DeKalb County 4-H members, who are high school seniors or in an approved post-high school educational program (junior college, 4-year university, trade school, etc.). Applicants should also be a full time student. Once they receive the scholarship they are ineligible to reapply. Word Format and PDF Format
Information For New Families
New 4-H Family Guide - The purpose of this guide is to help families learn about 4-H and how to have a positive experience in 4-H. Use this guide to familiarize yourself with the 4-H youth development program. As your family goes through the 4-H year, you may find you have questions about specific activities or events or expectations of your family. Never hesitate to talk to your 4-H club leader or call the DeKalb County Extension office at 815/758-8194 if you have any questions.
5 Minute New 4-H Family Flash
Nicole Groezinger, 4-H Program Coordinator, talks to families new to 4-H about:
- Projects
- Record Books
- FairEntry For 2023 you will need to "Create a FairEntry Account." Do NOT sign-in using 4-H Online.