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Where can you find wildlife?

News Releases
Master Gardener Column by Jan Phipps
It’s March and the first flowers of the year have already started to bloom. For most, snowdrops will delight with their white down-facing bells. However, actual dig-in-the-dirt gardening is still quite a while in the future, so let’s catch up on some interesting scientific studies....
a deer on the side of the road
Be cautious; watch for deer on roads in fall
URBANA, Ill. — While accidents can happen at any time of year, most deer-vehicle incidents occur between dusk and dawn during the months of October, November, and December. Drivers should slow down and stay alert to avoid deer-vehicle collisions this fall when traveling after dark.Not all...
Nurturing Foundations logo
Learn tips for a healthy pregnancy, toddler nutrition
URBANA, Ill. — The 1,000 days between a person's pregnancy and their child's second birthday offer a unique opportunity to build a healthier and more prosperous future, so knowing how to care for mother and baby during this period is vital. The University of Illinois Extension...

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