The Extension Council is authorized by the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, in accordance with state law, to be actively involved in the operation of University of Illinois Extension. Extension Councils cooperate with Extension staff in planning, promoting, developing, implementing, evaluating, and financing an Extension program designed to meet the needs, interests, and resources of the local communities served.
Clark/Crawford/Edgar Unit Council Members
Jessica Anderson, Crawford
Dustin Atkins, Crawford
Keith Crouch, Clark
Denise Frey, Clark
Chandra Gerberding, Edgar
Ron George, Edgar
Erica Hatfield, Clark
Linda Lane, Edgar
Cliff Macke, Edgar
Molly Morecraft, Clark
Taylor Nethery, Crawford
Dallas Richardson, Clark
Nancee Snedeker, Clark
Reuben Stence, Clark
Lendzy Stewart, Crawford
All Extension Council Meetings will be held at 5:45 p.m. at the Clark County Extension Office, 15493 N State Hwy 1, Marshall, IL 62441.
January 23, 2025
April 24, 2025
August 21, 2025
November 13, 2025