Take your love of nature to the next level

Master Naturalist Annual Report

Master Naturalists share their time and talents in communities across Illinois to be good stewards of the environment and invest in the future of our natural world.
Recent News
Take care of your trees with summer Forestry Stewardship Series
URBANA, Ill. — Illinois has 4.8 million acres of tree-covered land. From shading homes and feeding wildlife to producing oxygen and filtering water, trees do a lot of heavy lifting. Give them a hand by discovering innovative, research-based management options in the summer Forestry...
a Black-crowned night heron
Conservation project tracks behavior, migration of Chicago's endangered heron
URBANA, Ill. — Among the snowbirds returning north for the summer, A24 is special. For one thing, A24 is an actual bird: a Black-crowned night heron, to be exact. And it has just returned to Chicago to join hundreds of its kind nesting near Lake Michigan. But unlike the human snowbirds that...
Becoming a Master Naturalist
BLOOMINGTON, Ill. – Do you find yourself deeply enjoying the outdoors, bird watching, growing native plants, or wishing you knew more about sustainability?  This fall the University of Illinois Extension serving McLean, Livingston, and Woodford counties, will be offering...