Take your love of nature to the next level

Our Impact in 2023

Master Naturalist Volunteeers

Annual Report

As stewards of the environment, Master Naturalists share their time and talents in communities across Illinois to invest in the future of our natural world.
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trees behind a corn field
New agroforestry maps plot environmental, social, and economic benefits of trees
URBANA, Ill. — There’s a longstanding attitude in many farming communities that trees and agriculture don’t mix. But agroforestry — the intentional integration of trees and shrubs in agricultural systems, such as planting trees as windbreaks, integrating trees on pastures, or growing tree crops...
Person catching raindrops
Advance local impact with Watershed Stewards
Bloomington Ill. – Every day, rain nourishes fields of growing crops, and rivers steadily flow through natural areas and communities until, eventually, drinking water trickles out of faucets into our homes, schools, and businesses. The health of a watershed is tied to the...
diverse group of young people gardening
Spring into gardening with tools and tips at upcoming gardening programs
URBANA, Ill. — Spring is near, and your green thumb is ripe for gardening. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just getting started, growing nutrient-rich vegetables, fresh fruits, and aromatic herbs is more than just a way to fill your plate; it is like a badge of honor. Gardening...