Reporting AAB/NREE

Key dates and resources

Who should report?  

Educators and outreach associates in the Agriculture and Agribusiness (AAB) and Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy (NREE) program areas enter information on all their activities.  Extension program coordinators enter data as needed to document our activities related to major programs and activities such as Master Gardeners, Master Naturalists, and Extension-supported gardens.

What to report

Reporting on Agriculture and Natural Resource activities, including activities in the AAB and NREE program areas, includes some additional priorities as well as Extension-wide reporting priorities in order to document the full scope of work in these areas.

AAB/NREE/ANR Reporting OverviewActivityReportingAdditional InformationExtension-wide prioritiesDirect educationPEARS Program activitiesSee AAB/NREE Reporting Guide and AAB/NREE Naming GuideExternal collaborations with 1 external organizationPEARS PartnershipsExternal collaborations  with 2 or more external organizationsPEARS CollaborationsImpact success storiesPEARS Success storiesDue November 30.  See PEARS Impact Success Stories Guide.AAB/NREE/ANR Reporting PrioritiesIndirect activitiesPEARS Indirect activitiesEach separate output (such as a blog post or video episode) should have a separate intervention channel with the topic and date.  They may be listed under an indirect activity entry for the series (such as a blog or video series).Expert assistancePEARS Direct contactsGardensGarden data system (new)Report on Extension-supported gardens. Garden reporting will take place in October/November 2023.Research activities, including outreach for research projectsResearch activity dashboard

How do I report...

Master Gardener core training.   Please see the Master Gardener reporting and evaluation guide for specific procedures for each core training format.  

Partnerships and external collaborations.  Report external collaborations with a single organization in Partnerships.  Report collaborations involving 2 or more external organizations in Coalitions. 

Educational curricula or kits.  Report in PEARS program activities if you have information on the number of participants/users and evidence that the kits were used, e.g. through a teacher report or user evaluation survey.  Otherwise: report in PEARS indirect activities.  For the intervention channel, mark "other" and "Educational curriculum or kits."

Moodle courses.  Report in PEARS program activities, following linked guide.

Youtube videos.  Report in PEARS indirect activities.  If video was originally a webinar, the webinar should also be reported as direct education in PEARS program activities.


  1. Indicate that you've conducted an evaluation in the PEARS program activity entry by answering "yes" to the evaluation question ("Did you perform any evaluations of this program activity?"). 
  2. Provide evaluation results.  For Qualtrics-based evaluations, add Karen Winter-Nelson as a collaborator.  For other evaluations, upload evaluation data here.  Include evaluation instrument, data (preferably in spreadsheet) and any available writeups. 
  3. You do not need to attach an evaluation in PEARS for statewide needs. 

Why report

Activity reporting contributes to program success in many ways.  The program information compiled through the efforts of Extension field staff helps support accountability for our funders and stakeholders, documenting and demonstrating all the ways staff on agriculture and natural resource teams work to accomplish program objectives. Program information also helps identify opportunities for collaboration or development, provides  program summary data for marketing purposes, and helps document progress towards strategic goals such as increased diversity, equity, and inclusion.