102 S. Meridian Toledo IL 62468
Melaina Kincaid is the 4-H Youth Program Coordinator for Cumberland County, joining Extension in February 2024. Before her role in Extension, Melaina spent seven years as a zookeeper at Brookfield Zoo in Chicago, IL, and 18 years at Disney’s Animal Kingdom, where she cared for various African species.
A native of Toledo, IL, Melaina grew up on a crop farm and earned her bachelor’s degree in environmental biology with a minor in psychology from Eastern Illinois University. She is thrilled to be back in her hometown, where she can be close to her family and help out on the family farm.
When she’s not working, Melaina enjoys running, rowing, and tending to her growing farm. Her farm currently includes a mini donkey, goats, and dogs, with plans to add ostriches soon. Melaina is eager to bring her passion for the environment and sustainability to Extension and the local community.