4-H in Moultrie-Douglas Counties
In 4-H, you get to decide what topics and projects interest you most. You make 4-H what you want it to be. Work on many projects or focus on one or two. Choose what events sound fun to you, and do them. In 4-H, you have an important role in making your community a better place to live, but you don’t have to do it alone. As a club, you’ll figure out what’s needed most in your neighborhood and find ways to help.
In 4-H, you’re part of a family working together. At club meetings, you’ll learn how to get along with others as you build your skills and help your community. In 4-H, you’ll meet adults who care about you and want to help you succeed. 4-H matches you with mentors who will coach you in areas like problem solving, communicating, and teamwork. 4-H introduces you to potential careers and then gives you the training to get the career you want.
Moultrie-Douglas Counties 4-H Fairs & Shows
Public Speaking Contest Information
QAEC training family instructions in Zsuite
Local Events, Workshops, and Deadlines

Join Today!
IN 4-H, you get to be you! We welcome everyone from all backgrounds, with all interests, wherever you live. Join Illinois' largest out-of-school youth organization!

Find Your Form: Open 24/7/365
We know you work on 4-H all hours of the day and night, and we're ready to help. We have all the resources members, leaders, and clubs need.

4-H Shooting Sports Contests
Find all the details for the Illinois State 4-H Shooting Sports Contests. Open to youth 14 to 18 in an organized 4-H Shooting Sports program.