304 E. Progress Arthur IL 61911
Rachel Stenger has been the 4-H Youth Development Program Coordinator for Moultrie-Douglas counties since February 2024. She holds a bachelor’s degree in K-12 Special Education from Eastern Illinois University and is a licensed learning behavior specialist. Before joining Extension, Rachel spent eight years as an elementary special education teacher in the Arcola school system and served for five years as the Children and Family Ministry Coordinator at Salisbury Church in Charleston, IL.
As a Coles County 4-H alumna and a dedicated educator, Rachel is passionate about developing and promoting the valuable opportunities 4-H offers to local youth. Shaping the next generation and fostering a love for learning is at the heart of Rachel's mission and mindset.
Rachel lives in rural Douglas County, where she and her husband are actively involved in their family’s farming operation, raising cattle and growing corn, soybeans, and hay, all while raising their three young children.