Share your gardening skills with others.
If you enjoy gardening and like to learn to share your gardening knowledge, the Master Gardener program may be for you. All you need is an interest in gardening, an open mind, and a willingness to share your knowledge with others. Master Gardeners are volunteers who have received over 60 hours of training from Extension Educators and State Specialists from the University of Illinois. The task to the Master Gardeners is to share unbiased, reliable, research-based information with home landscapers and gardeners. Another important function is to encourage young people to enjoy the pleasures of flower and vegetable growing. If you are interested in becoming a Master Gardner in Christian, Jersey, Macoupin or Montgomery county, provide your information.
The Master Gardener program is an all-volunteer program sanctioned by the land grant institution in each state and functions as an extension of the college or university. In Illinois, the program is sponsored by University of Illinois Extension.
Ask a Master Gardener
Our Help Desk is available from May through Sept. on Thursday mornings at Christian County Extension. Master Gardeners can help answer questions about flowers, vegetables, ornamentals, trees, insects, and more! Call 217-287-7246 or stop by the office. If possible, bring samples in a container or plastic bag, or take photos to help with identification and disease problems.
Online Illinois Gardener Training
For those unable to attend the traditional face-to-face training, an online, self-guided course is available to take from the comfort of home at your own pace.
The online course is currently offered three times a year in Winter, Summer and Fall. Please note that not every county will be accepting new volunteers each season/year. Join our interest list to be contacted about future registrations.
Local Master Gardener Programs
Christian County
Master Gardeners are available from May through Sept. on Thursday mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. at Christian County Extension to answer your garden-related questions. They can help diagnose diseases and pests, plus offer advice on what plants would work best for you. They are also available at the Taylorville Farmers Market, located at Taylorville Square at 101 S. Main St. -- look for the bright orange tent.
Tune in to our local radio show at 96.1 FM on the second Monday of each month to listen to upcoming workshops, recent projects, trips, and tricks to help you in the garden.
1120 N. Webster St.
Taylorville, IL 62568
Macoupin County
Macoupin County Master Gardeners volunteer to maintain gardens in downtown Carlinville and the historical Macoupin County Courthouse.
60 Carlinville Plaza
Carlinville, IL 62626
Montgomery County
1 Industrial Park Dr.
Hillsboro, IL 62049
For More Information