The program reaches youth and adults by providing interactive educational learning activities in and outside the classroom. The program is part of the Agriculture Education Partnership which works to educate students, teachers, and the public about agriculture in fun and creative ways. Classroom programs for students (K-12) are available upon request on various agricultural topics such as plants and seeds, soils, water, careers, renewable resources, corn, soybeans, wheat, animal nutrition, agricultural products, fiber/clothing, insects, beef, dairy, pork, embryology, apples, pumpkins, agricultural economics and marketing, biotechnology, genetics, and watersheds.
We also offer free or free-loan resources for schools (hands-on learning kits, lessons on various agricultural topics, books, videos), workshops for educators in which they earn professional development hours, and networking with other agricultural education people to strengthen agricultural literacy efforts statewide and nationally.
Abracadabra! Alohomora! Open the doors... of active discovery and watch your students explore the depths of the Agriculture industry. The lessons in the mAGic kits are multidisciplinary, all inclusive, and designed to bring math, science, social studies and Language Art to life through agriculture. The mAGic kits address the IL standards - CORE, NGSS, and Social Studies standards. The lessons include exercises for grades 4-8 in mapping, graphing, sequencing, reading, writing, experimentation, research and much more. These kits are available on a free-loan basis. Kits may be reserved in advance.
These cross-curricular thematic kits contain a collection of resources – lessons, books, videos/DVDs and more. Many lessons are aligned to the Illinois Learning Standards. Ideal for grades K-4. These kits are available on a free-loan basis.
Everyday Agriculture
At Home Ag-tivities
Illinois Agriculture in the Classroom
National Agriculture in the Classroom
Adopt a Calf - St. Louis Dairy Council
Amazing Wheat
American Egg Board Classroom Resources
Chick 101 & Ask an Eggspert
Incubation and Embryology hints
Raising Beef
Illinois Agricultural Education
Illinois Corn Grower's Educational Resources
Illinois Farm Families
Illinois Pork Resources - including Amazing Pig video
Illinois Soybean Association's Pod to Plate
Journey 2050
Maple Syrup Tours in Feb. & March - Lincoln Memorial Gardens, Springfield, IL
Midwest Dairy
My American Farm
Pumpkin Growing and Processing - Libby's
The Great Corn Adventure
Back to School with Agriculture
Baseball Charm
Dates to Celebrate Agriculture
From Tassel to Table Chain with Cereal Box
From Tassel to Table lesson from Plant mAGic Kit
H2O Bingo
Hatching Science by Utah AITC
Let's Get Growing
Math Ag-tivities
Rainbow Fruits & Veggies
The Geography of Thanksgiving Dinner
The Very Hungry Illinois Caterpillar
The Very Hungry Illinois Caterpillar - Directions and Options
Top 40 Hits of Planet Earth
2024 Educators Explore Agriculture
Bring Agriculture to Life in your Classroom
Christian & Montgomery County Agricultural Literacy Resource List
Macoupin County Agricultural Literacy Resource List
Macoupin County Resource Library Open
Connecting to Agriculture - Macoupin County Sept. 2024 Newsletter