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Illinois Extension Strategic Plan

Illinois Extension engaged in a strategic planning process throughout 2024 that created opportunities for many voices to contribute their own vision for Illinois Extension’s future. We are confident that this process has synthesized the ideas of our entire community to create a compelling and forward-thinking strategic plan.

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A chef cutting a green pepper on a cutting board with a variety of vegetables that are cut surrounding the cutting board.

Certified Food Protection Managers Course

This program meets the coursework and examination requirements set by the Illinois Department of Public Health. We offer courses within our unit throughout the year.

Course Info

News Releases
A person leaning over to use garden snips to cut off a section of the houseplant for propagation.
From one to many: A beginner's guide to plant propagation
URBANA, Ill. — Many indoor gardeners quickly discover that one houseplant is rarely enough. What begins as an admiration for a charming or unique plant often evolves into a strong desire, or even a need, to fill every corner of a home or office with lush greenery. A simple and cost-effective way...
trees behind a corn field
New agroforestry maps plot environmental, social, and economic benefits of trees
URBANA, Ill. — There’s a longstanding attitude in many farming communities that trees and agriculture don’t mix. But agroforestry — the intentional integration of trees and shrubs in agricultural systems, such as planting trees as windbreaks, integrating trees on pastures, or growing tree crops...

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