Come out for a day in the country! On Sept. 26, 2021, McHenry County will host its seventh annual Farm Stroll, a self-guided tour of the county’s diversified family farms. A total of 12 farms will be part of this educational agriculture-centric tour. Fruit and vegetable growers, dairy cows, beef cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, horses, honey bees, perennial plants and more will be featured within these 12 farms.
Because this is a family-friendly, free, self-guided tour, there is no beginning or end of the tour—attendees can just choose the farms that interest them and visit during the designated time.
The Farm Stroll is organized by the McHenry County Farm Bureau and the University of Illinois Extension McHenry County Master Gardeners. Extension Master Gardener and 4-H volunteers will be onsite to assist farm families in accommodating guests and conducting demonstrations and tours.
There is no charge for the Farm Stroll, but most farms will be selling food, produce or other farm-related products.
Visit McHenry County Farm Bureau for more info at mchenrycfb.org or at facebook.com/McHenryCountyFarmBureau or call 815-338-1520. Also visit University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners at facebook.com/McHenryCoMasterGardener. Also visit facebook.com/northernilfarmstroll for other counties’ Farm Stroll events.
Farm Descriptions
- Alden Hills Organics Farms NEW in 2021: N237 Alden Rd., Walworth WI. Alden Hills is a family-owned certified organic farm run by Levi and Emily Powers with one mission: to provide the healthiest, highest-quality pastured meats by building a farm eco-system that enhances both soil and animals. They specialize in grass-fed beef, pastured poultry, and eggs. Aldenhillsorganicfarms.com; 262-275-1070. Toilets available.
- Wanda Farm NEW in 2021: 17419 Hebron Rd., Harvard. Wanda Farm is a first-generation regenerative farm run by Joe and Hannah Wanda. Wanda Farm raises and sells grass-fed beef, pastured heritage pigs, pasture-raised chicken and laying hens. Their mission is to connect the consumer with their food; believing that knowing your farmer goes beyond all the food labeling. Wandafarm.net; 815-354-8700.
- Hephzibah Farms, Inc.: 13202 Hebron Rd., Hebron. Hephzibah Farms, run by the Millers, sells grass-fed beef and lamb, pastured raised pork, chicken, eggs, and turkeys. They will be selling alpaca drier balls, socks, home-baked goods, and products from local vendors--soap, jam, flavored popcorn, cheese, chocolates and honey scrubs. Hephzibahfarms.com; 847-530-7373. Toilets available.
- Patyk’s Farm Market and Greenhouse: 8519 Route 173, Richmond. This first-generation farm grows fruit and vegetables to sell at their home market, three farm markets, and CSA. Myra and John also raise chickens for eggs/meat, and cows, goats, turkeys, and pigs for meat. Myra makes farm-themed goat milk soap. Angie Gianakakis of Annabelle's Bees will share info on raising bees and honey. PatykFarms.com; 847-710-8732. Toilets available.
- Soulful Prairies NEW in 2021: 4706 Alden Rd., Woodstock. Linda and her family began this farm with the desire to create a safe place for humans to heal with the support of horses, animals and nature. It has blossomed into a space for Equine Gestalt Therapy, a farm, and a farm stand, bee hives, fairies' walking paths and a labyrinth. They will sell homegrown, pesticide-free produce, honey and more. Soulfulprairies.com; 847-366-6743.
- Terra Vitae Farms: 2719 Greenwood Rd., Woodstock. Kevin and Katie Kelley have partnered with Mike and Colleen Biver to develop a regenerative farm focused on producing the healthiest meat conceivably possible. Their approach focuses on biodiversity at every level: microbiome, flora and fauna. Come experience their ever-evolving ecosystem and the diverse heritage breeds. Terravitaefarms.com; 815-345-4047.
- Lazy K Ranch NEW in 2021: 18209 Collins Rd., Woodstock. The Lazy K Ranch is a small family farm offering horse boarding, riding lessons, custom hay baling, and farm-fresh eggs. Visit horses, donkeys, chickens, see antique tractors, and learn how their solar installation works. An established stop on Autumn Drive, they will have vendors on premises for the Stroll. Facebook.com/lazykranchwoodstock; 815-715-2070.
- Cody’s Farm and Orchard: 19502 River Road, Marengo. Cody’s is a family-owned business, run by the Purdoms, selling fresh homegrown fruit, vegetables and apple cider donuts. They have a market at the farm, plus two mobile farm stands. Cody’s offers seasonal vegetables, sweet corn, pumpkin and apple picking. They also have goats, cows, rabbits, a corn maze, and lunch options. Codysfarm.com; 815-568-7976. Toilets available.
- Broadview Farm and Gardens NEW in 2021: 18720 IL Route 176, Marengo. Farmers Tim and Delicia Brown aim to serve their community and others with a variety of responsibly grown vegetables, fruits, meat, and eggs. They pledge to keep their practices transparent and holistic with the goal of sustainability using minimal amounts of machinery and outside labor. Broadviewfarmandgardens.com; 815-814-0030.
- HillBunker Farms: 4915 Dean Street, Woodstock. Damon and Michele Hill run an organic farm that provides organic produce for CSA subscribers, raw honey, Kune-Kune pigs and Baby Doll sheep, and a wide variety of handmade all-natural soaps, body butter, lip balm, foot cream, beard oil, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, and much more. Hillbunker-farms.myshopify.com; 815-337-1622.
- The Fleur de Lis Farm NEW in 2021: 15707 Marengo Rd., Union. Greg and Anne Ostdick's flower farm offers seasonal flowers, herbs, and botanicals grown with organic farming practices. Pick up a fresh flower bouquet from the Petals in the Pump House, or choose potted annuals and perennials. Buy fresh duck eggs, handcrafted natural soap, or jam from the soap shop. Tour their aviary. Thefleurdelisfarm.com; 815-739-0130.
- All Grass Farms NEW in 2021: 18N681 IL Route 31, Dundee. Cliff McConville and Anna Lipinska produce grass-fed beef, licensed raw Guernsey milk, as well as pasture-raised chicken, eggs, turkeys, and pork in a regenerative pasture-based farming system. All products are organically raised and sold in the onsite farm store. They will run hay wagon farm tours during Farm Stroll. Allgrassfarms.com; 847-852-7081. Toilets available.