Join us for the 2025 University of Illinois Extension Garden Learning Series!!
This year we have a fantastic variety of topics being presented by The University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners and Educators along with Educators and Ecologists from the Lake County Forest Preserve District and the Solid Waste Agency of Lake County (SWALCO).
Presentations are scheduled the second Wednesday of each month from 6:00pm-7:30pm Starting in February of 2025. This year we have 11 sessions. All sessions are free, virtual on Zoom, and are NOT recorded.
Registration closes the Tuesday before each session at 11:59pm. Zoom link, slides and handouts will be emailed to registrants by 2pm the day of the presentation (Check ALL your email folders including SPAM).
We cannot wait to see you at the 2025 Extension Garden Learning Series!
Register for individual programs below. You cannot register for all programs at once.
Session 1 - Seed Starting for Vegetable Gardens
When: February 12th 2025
Presenter: Lake County Extension Master Gardeners
Description: Master Gardeners will deliver timely tips on how to start seeds to grow your own seedlings for your garden. Basic requirements, including time, light, growing medium, water and attention, will be shared as well as suggested plants to start from seed. Seed starting is not limited to vegetables. Annuals and perennials can also be started to get a jump on the growing season. Registration: https://go.illinois.edu/SeedStartingVegetables
Session 2 - Successful Vegetable Gardening
When: March 12th 2025
Presenter: Lake County Extension Master Gardeners
Description: Imagine tasting your own vegetables picked fresh from your garden... Build your success with research-based methods that promote healthy, productive plants. To get the most out of your garden, University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners will give you steps to plan and tend your garden. This will include tips on garden location/layout, preparation, recommended varieties, proper planting, pest control, watering, and harvesting tips.
Registration: https://go.illinois.edu/vegetablegardening2025
Session 3 - Celebrating Compost!
When: April 9th 2025
Presenter: SWALCO
Description: : Join us for an evening to celebrate compost and composting. This program will touch on the benefits of composting for the garden, the gardener, and the planet. We’ll sprinkle in a bit of how-to and various composting methods, tools of the trade and other information, and also share some fun and interesting opportunities, programs and events that will take place during International Compost Awareness Week, May 4-10, 2025.
Registration: https://go.illinois.edu/CelebratingCompost
Session 4 - Introduccion de Plantas Nativas. Introduction to Native Plants in Spanish
When: May 7th 2025
Presenter: Lake County Forest Preserves
Description: Conozca la diferencia entre plantas nativas y no nativas y las ventajas de utilizar plantas nativas en su jardín. Descubra la gran variedad de árboles, arbustos, hierbas y flores silvestres nativas que puede utilizar en su jardín.
Registration: https://go.illinois.edu/PlantasNativas
Session 5 – Growing a Tea Garden
When: June 11th 2025
Presenter: Lake County Extension Master Gardeners
Description: If you enjoy a nice cup of tea and have a flare for gardening, come learn what plants you can grow in our area to create or enhance your very own tea blends. We will focus on a vast array of plants that can be used for making tea. This talk includes an interactive, sensory component of fresh or dried plants depending on the season. Comprehensive plant list provided.
Registration: https://go.illinois.edu/gls2025teagarden