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High Tunnel Production Field Day

High Tunnels at DSAC
Event Date(s)
Event Time
Dixon Springs Agricultural Center

More Illinois specialty crop growers are planting in high tunnels to benefit from the extended growing season, increased crop diversity, higher yields, and improved quality. But high tunnels come with their own unique challenges including deciding on layout and structural design, managing insect pests, balancing fertility needs, and more that can seem overwhelming for new and beginning farmers or those new to growing in a protected culture system like high tunnels.

University of Illinois Extension staff at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center are more than happy to share their experiences in high tunnel production as they have been conducting research and demonstration trials for more than a decade in the three commercial size high tunnels on site. These structures allow for replicated research projects including variety trials, biological insect control studies and fertility management that can be shared with growers both regionally and statewide.

Walk through the high tunnels at the Dixon Springs Agricultural Center with University of Illinois crop researchers on Tuesday, July 16 starting at 6 p.m. Over the course of the evening, Dr. Kacie Athey, specialty crops entomologist, and Bronwyn Aly, University of Illinois Extension educator, will share experiences and observations from their ongoing high tunnel research and demonstration trials. A local contractor will be discussing basic principles, construction concepts, and tools needed to prep, layout, and install a high tunnel. University of Illinois students will be demonstrating robots being developed to help with agriculture production issues. 

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