Join us for a day of garden stewardship, education and fun as we partner with the US Army Corps of Engineers at Rend Lake Project Office to provide public pollinator garden stewardship opportunities. This stewardship opportunity will take place at the Rend Lake Project Office and Visitor Center located at 11981 Rend City Rd, Benton, IL 62812, from 8:30-11:00 on May 28.
Sessions include 2 hours of garden stewardship tasks and a 30-minute educational program. During this session, we will check for weeds and native plants in the garden, and learn about tree identification at Rend Lake. Registration is required so you can be notified if the garden stewardship day is canceled due to inclement weather. Register and learn more at go.illinois.edu/RendLakePollinate.
Please bring your own knee pads or gardening pads and a refillable water bottle to stay hydrated. Wide-brimmed hats, sunglasses, gardening gloves, and sturdy walking shoes are recommended.