Produce Safety


Fresh fruits and vegetables are grown in an environment where they are likely to come into contact with a wide variety of microorganisms, some of which may cause illness when consumed by eating fresh, uncooked produce. It is important to minimize contamination of fresh fruits and vegetables throughout their lifecycle — starting from where they grow through the point of consumption.

FSMA Produce Safety Rule


The Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule provides science-based minimum requirements for the safe growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of fresh produce for human consumption. The goal of the requirements is to minimize contamination of fresh produce and protect the public from potential foodborne illnesses that could result from the consumption of fresh produce.

Owners and managers of fresh produce farms, storage, and packing facilities are encouraged to evaluate whether their farm or operation is covered by the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and take steps to protect fresh produce from contamination. Review FDA resources to determine whether your farm or operation is covered, qualified exempt, or excluded from following the requirements of the FSMA Produce Safety Rule.

Coverage and Exclusions    Annual Sales Adjustment

person checking boxes in online survey
Training Opportunities

Growers and managers are encouraged to take training to learn more about the FSMA Produce Safety Rule and how they may be able to meet the requirements. Find upcoming online and remote delivery courses offered through the Produce Safety Alliance. Links to in-person or online courses offered through University of Illinois Extension will be added as available.

Participants who successfully complete grower training can certify to train others in the produce grower training curriculum by signing up for Produce Safety Alliance's Train-the-Trainer program.

Produce Safety Alliance Training 

Want to Train Others?

Connect with Illinois Extension food safety experts to determine the demand and requirements to become a trainer for Grower Training.