Healthy Soil
- Balancing food Safety and Organic Requirements for: Soil Amendments of Animal Origin: CAFF Farmers Guild. 2018
- Biological Soil Amendments of Animal Origin: Food and Drug Administration Fact Sheet. 2018
- Biological Soil Amendments: Subpart F: FDA Food Safety Modernization Act - FSMA Facts. 2018
- COMPOST - Composting Central
- COMPOST - U.S. Composting Council
- Food Safe Compost Use: Michigan State University Extension. 2017
- FSMA Compliant On-Farm Thermophilic Composting: A Safe Way to Enrich the Soil: North Central Region Center for FSMA Training, Extension and Technical Assistance. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. 2018
- MANURE Small Farm Manure Management
- Soil Testing Labs: This list is provided for your reference. Call for current fees and services.
- Template Language for Soil Amendments Section of a Farm Food Safety Plan
- FDA Bad Bugs: The Bad Bug Book 2nd Edition, released in 2012, provides current information about the major known agents that cause foodborne illness. Each chapter in this book is about a pathogen—a bacterium, virus, or parasite—or a natural toxin that can contaminate food and cause illness. The book contains scientific and technical information about the major pathogens that cause these kinds of illnesses. Food and Drug Administration