Urban Agriculture Guides
Grants and Funds (NRCS Practices)
Residents who own or rent land to produce agricultural products may be eligible to receive money for implementing practices that have environmental benefits. Find examples of applicable practices and a condensed payment schedule for FY 2023.
Writing a Business Plan
Urban farms can take next steps to success by developing a business plan to define the goals for the farm, idfentify markets, formalize the business structure, evaulate current finances and funding opportunities, and plan for the future.
Creating Vision and Mission Statements
Vision and mission statements are important parts of a good business plan. They help to build a strong foundation for your urban farm, clarify and refine thinking about your goals, and communicate who you are and what you do to others — especially to funders and loan officers.
Obtaining a Farm Number
A farm number, or farm serial number, identifies a farm's location and is attached to the land – not the farmer. Most USDA financial assistance programs require an FSN to take advantage of the program. This guide gives an overview of the benefits of having an FSN and explains how to regsiter and maintain eligibility.
Vegetable Production Guides
Tomato Harvesting for Producers: Grading and Defect Troubleshooting
The key to a high-quality market tomato is developing proper harvesting techniques, with particular attention paid to grading requirements and visual appearance. Learn about grading standards and explore growing techniques that can help to increase the liklihood of producing higher grade tomatoes for market.