canceledPeoria Agronomy Summit
Farming trends in the Peoria area have soil management at the top and the theme for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan…
Thriving Youth Thriving Clubs: 4-H Thriving Model Volunteer Training Series - Belonging Session
Register now!At this three-part training for adult volunteers, learn about the fundamentals of the 4-H Thriving Model of Positive Youth Development and how creating an environment for youth…
Southwestern Agronomy Summit
Crop nutrient demand, soil, and unique local seasonal challenges are the themes for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan. 16 at Monroe…
4-H Youth Leadership Adventure
Youth Exploring Leadership and Learning Opportunities (YELLO)
You’re a leader! You lead yourself, by example, and by guiding others toward a goal. YELLO invites youth from Logan, Menard, and…
Springfield Agronomy Summit
Technology, data, and local resources are the themes for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan. 21 at Lincoln Land Community College,…
Oglesby Agronomy Summit
Finding tools to help strengthen confidence in decision-making on the farm is the theme for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan. 23…
Native Landscape Design Workshop
4-H Junior Livestock Conference
Registration is open!The Youth Livestock Conference is a fun-filled overnight weekend event for 4-H members. This program provides leadership and team building activities as well as exciting hands…
Southeastern Agronomy Summit
What is happening out in the field directly influences farm management and is the theme for the Agronomy Summit stop on Jan…
Northwest Illinois Agronomy Summit
Every growing season, corn and soybean producers have to make numerous management decisions that affect their bottom…