

All important 4-H information is sent to families via email.

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2025 Logan County 4-H Achievement Recognition Booklet


Projects & Shows

Click here to find everything you need to know about doing 4-H projects and participating in 4-H shows.



The 4-H Year runs September 1-August 31. Enrollment information for 2024-2025 will be emailed to all current members in early October.  New families should connect with a local club, and your club leader will have enrollment information for you.

4-H Program Fee Waiver Request Form - If the annual program fee ($20 per member) is a financial hardship to your family, please complete this form and send it to 4-H staff in your county.


Club Activities

Club Organization Sheet (digital or PDF) - After reorganizing for the year and electing officers, leaders should complete this form and turn it in to county staff.

Fundraising Approval Form - Must be completed and submitted to 4-H office two weeks before any planned fundraiser.

Secretary Book 2024-2025 - Use the paper copy provided by your club leader, or download this fillable PDF.

Treasurer Book 2024-2025 - Use the paper copy provided by your club leader, or download this fillable PDF.

Reporter's Form - The new Reporter's Form can be filled out and submitted online.


4-H Records

Completing your 4-H Records is the annual process of tracking what you accomplished throughout the year.  Your Records include lists of project learning, community service, leadership, and participation, and a story about what you learned, challenges you faced, and what you plan to do in the future.

At the end of the 4-H year (August 31), complete a Records Form and turn it in to your club leader.  Records are reviewed at the local level, and you will be given feedback. The reviewers are more interested in what you learned than what you did, so focus on the things that are most relevant and leave out things that are less important. 

Records Tracking Sheet - Fill this out every month to help keep track of what you do.

2024-2025 Records Form (fillable PDF) (for members age 8-18)
Download and save the form before you start filling it in.

2024-2025 Cloverbud Record Book (for members age 5-7)

Records examples and scoring information

EXAMPLE Records, member age 8-10

EXAMPLE Records, member age 11-13

EXAMPLE Records, member age 14-18

Video Tutorial

Records Scoring Rubric - score sheet that a judge will use when reviewing your Records