
What to know about avian flu in wild birds, poultry, and pets in Illinois
URBANA, Ill. — The nationwide spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza, HPAI, also known as avian or bird flu, has many in Illinois concerned about livestock, pets, wildlife, food safety, and public health.HPAI is an extremely contagious and frequently deadly respiratory disease for...
A woman stands in a grassy field holding a long blade of grass
Can one person make a difference on environmental issues?
Global environmental issues like habitat loss and pollution can feel overwhelming. Can one person’s actions make a difference? Natural Resources, Environment, and Energy Educator Erin Garrett believes so. Garrett provides...
a group of people having a discussion outside sitting in the grass
Local Climate Stewards can lead to big changes with new environmental program
URBANA, Ill. — Climate change is a complex global challenge, but local action has an important role in empowering communities and building resiliency. The new University of Illinois Extension Climate Steward course trains environmental stewards to communicate about climate change and engage in...
Two people in a boat with nets on poles watch as dozens of carp jump out of the water
Study: Invasive silver carp reduce movement in Chicago-area water
URBANA, Ill. — Invasive silver carp have been spreading throughout the Mississippi River Basin since their introduction a half-century ago. Yet, try as they might, the fish have not advanced beyond a particular stretch of the Illinois River north of Kankakee. Research from the...
a woman draws a bat with chalk
First bat celebration takes flight to raise awareness about conservation
URBANA, Ill. — Bats are an iconic symbol of spooky season, and more than 800 people attended the first Central Illinois Bat Festival on Sept. 28 in Urbana for a celebration of all things batty, including exhibits on bat conservation, guest speakers, activities for kids, and an evening bat walk...
yellow native flowers bloom in a garden with a background of people on a bridge
Nature-inspired sustainable student art on display at Red Oak Rain Garden
URBANA, Ill. — Nature at the Red Oak Rain Garden celebrates autumn with the bright purples of blooming aster flowers, a mosaic of tree leaves drifting slowly to the ground, and the nighttime chorus of insects and owls as twilight settles in. This October, the “Illuminating Art in Nature” exhibit...
a deer on the side of the road
Be cautious; watch for deer on roads in fall
URBANA, Ill. — While accidents can happen at any time of year, most deer-vehicle incidents occur between dusk and dawn during the months of October, November, and December. Drivers should slow down and stay alert to avoid deer-vehicle collisions this fall when traveling after dark.Not all...
two men in the woods
Invasive plants are no match for local Extension Master Naturalists
LEWISTOWN, Ill. — When certain plants get established in an ecosystem, they can choke out the more beneficial native plants. Left unchecked, those invasive species can destroy the native ecosystem and natural beauty. Local volunteers have a passion for eradicating invasive plants, and thanks to...
Get green: Explore funding opportunities for community environmental projects
URBANA, Ill. — Communities across Illinois are working to address legacy pollution and invest in clean energy technologies. Municipalities can explore grant opportunities to fund the installation of green infrastructure, the transition to clean energy, and the cleanup of polluted areas with a...
Take steps to address climate change at home with Everyday Environment
URBANA, Ill. — It’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about the impacts of climate change. While there are many strategies to reduce risk and adapt at global and regional scales, individuals can also take action. Learn how you can address climate change in your home, landscape, and community in a...
A tree buried by grade change during construction causing a hole around it.
Protect trees and their roots during construction projects
URBANA, Ill. — While essential for development, construction projects often damage trees and their intricate root systems. Even the beautiful trees that are sitting on a site and desired to be kept following construction can become damaged and later experience decline....