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Nutrient Loss Reduction

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Corn plants in front of grain silos

Data Intensive Farm Management

With thin profit margins and the high cost of inputs, there is a need to make farming more efficient and profitable. One way researchers and farmers are working together to do this is through data-intensive farm management (DIFM).What is DIFM? DIFM...
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Clover plants in a field

Uncovering the power of clover cover

Interested in diversifying your cover crop mix or exploring the power of clover cover? Episode 61 of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction podcast looks into utilizing clover as a cover crop with Adam Dahmer, farmer from Williamson County in southern Illinois, and...
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Rain falling on agricultural fields

When it rains, it pours

In the last few years, we have experienced several extreme weather events associated with climate change from droughts to intense rain events and flooding. Episode 59 of the Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Podcast explores the relationship between extreme precipitation events and nutrient loss in...
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