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Voice of the Wild

Wildlife is all around us. Join Voice of the Wild every Friday to explore a new wild song. From time to time, we’ll also do a deep dive into wildlife science, news, and natural history. Subscribe for email updates at
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Latest Episode

Scissor Grinder Cicada (Neotibicen pruinosus). 

Episode 14: Dickcissel – Voice of the Wild

Dickcissel (Spiza americana). 

In a good tallgrass prairie the Dickcissel’s call can seem to come from every direction. It may have a passing resemblance to a Meadowlark, but on closer inspection you’ll find the Dickcissel is much smaller and has stubby finchlike...

Episode 13: Common True Katydid – Voice of the Wild

Common True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia). 

This night-singing insect is commonly heard but seldom seen. It’s a master of disguise, with oblong green wing covers that are almost indistinguishable from a leaf. The camouflage is both necessary and appropriate...

Episode 12: Common Nighthawk – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor). 

The erratic flight and Narrow angular wings tipped with white bands give the common nighthawk a rather boomerang-like appearance. While it can be found foraging over its native habitats;...

Episode 11: Sandhill Crane – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis). 

The harsh, resonant call of the Sandhill crane is most often heard from migratory flocks passing overhead in the spring and fall. Those flocks are easily identified by their calls and by the...

Bonus: The Water’s Edge – Voice of the Wild

Headphones on! Today we’re giving voice to the array of plants and animals which can only be found where the land and the water mingle. It's a set of ecosystems united by inundation, whether it's the long edge of a shallow pond, a cypress swamp, or a wet prairie. It starts with an unwanted...

Episode 10: Eastern VS Western Meadowlark ID – Voice of the Wild

Learn to tell the difference between Eastern and Western meadowlarks. 

Both the Eastern meadowlark and Western meadowlark can be found in Illinois. The Western is only occasional in the state, while the Eastern is common throughout. Both species have a tawny back and...

Episode 9: Eastern Meadowlark – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Eastern meadowlark (Sturnella magna). 

This yellow-fronted bird with a black V on its chest often sings from fence posts and power lines. It’s fairly common anywhere grasses have been spared regular mowing. It nests on the ground...

Episode 8: Red-Eyed Vireo – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Red-eyed vireo (Vireo olivaceus). 

A key member of the summer orchestra, you’ll hear this common gray and olive bird on nearly every hike. It sings throughout the day, every day, seemingly every minute. Uttering short little...

Episode 7: Common Yellowthroat – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas). 

This big witchity-witchety song, often heard in tallgrass prairies and open marshes, comes from a little chunky warbler with a yellow throat and black mask. Males call out all summer long...

Bonus: Periodical Cicadas – Voice of the Wild

Learn to identify the seven species of periodical cicada (Magicicada) by their song. 

For a few weeks in 2024 all seven species of periodical cicada will be calling from different areas of Illinois. The collective chorus of these cicada broods can be deafening,...

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