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Voice of the Wild

Wildlife is all around us. Join Voice of the Wild every Friday to explore a new wild song. From time to time, we’ll also do a deep dive into wildlife science, news, and natural history. Subscribe for email updates at
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Morning Cicada (Neotibicen tibicen). 

Episode 20: American Goldfinch – Voice of the Wild

American Goldfinch (Spinus tristis). 

The American goldfinch’s jumbled song is a staple of warm mornings and hot summer afternoons. In the cold months they visit hanging finch feeders, the drooping heads of last year’s sunflowers, and sometimes join in with Pine...

Episode 19: Indigo Bunting – Voice of the Wild

Indigo Bunting (Passerina cyanea). 

While the Indigo Bunting is named for the breeding male’s exceptionally blue plumage, the female’s plumage is also exceptional; a rich fawn brown. Look for the Indigo Bunting in hedgerows, forest edges, and other savannalike...

Episode 18: Field Sparrow – Voice of the Wild

Field Sparrow (Spizella pusilla). 

The Field Sparrow perseveres even when oppressive heat drives all the other birds to silence. Some remember the field sparrow’s song as a ping-pong ball dropped on a table. If the Field Sparrow isn’t calling, look for the its...

Episode 17: Gray Catbird – Voice of the Wild

Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis). 

A mimid, this slate-gray bird copies from its neighbors and sings a mishmash of the whole neighborhood’s songs all from one spot. The Gray catbird is a bit of a lurker, often sticking to the low brush and the back of...

Episode 16: House Wren – Voice of the Wild

House wren (Troglodytes aedon). 

The House wren adds brightness to backyards, woods, and urban forests with its bubbly song that seems to stumble over its own urgency. The house wren can be found in Illinois from spring to fall. A small but bold nester, it takes readily to...

Episode 15: Scissor Grinder Cicada – Voice of the Wild

Scissor Grinder Cicada (Neotibicen pruinosus). 

The scissor grinder’s name was a little more appropriate when it was common practice to sharpen cutting implements with a specialty grinding stone, now the name is a bit anachronistic. Unlike the small, orange-...

Episode 14: Dickcissel – Voice of the Wild

Dickcissel (Spiza americana). 

In a good tallgrass prairie the Dickcissel’s call can seem to come from every direction. It may have a passing resemblance to a Meadowlark, but on closer inspection you’ll find the Dickcissel is much smaller and has stubby finchlike...

Episode 13: Common True Katydid – Voice of the Wild

Common True Katydid (Pterophylla camellifolia). 

This night-singing insect is commonly heard but seldom seen. It’s a master of disguise, with oblong green wing covers that are almost indistinguishable from a leaf. The camouflage is both necessary and appropriate...

Episode 12: Common Nighthawk – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor). 

The erratic flight and Narrow angular wings tipped with white bands give the common nighthawk a rather boomerang-like appearance. While it can be found foraging over its native habitats;...

Episode 11: Sandhill Crane – Voice of the Wild

Learn the song and call of the Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis). 

The harsh, resonant call of the Sandhill crane is most often heard from migratory flocks passing overhead in the spring and fall. Those flocks are easily identified by their calls and by the...

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