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Voice of the Wild

Wildlife is all around us. Join Voice of the Wild every Friday to explore a new wild song. From time to time, we’ll also do a deep dive into wildlife science, news, and natural history. Subscribe for email updates at
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Red-winged blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus). 

An iconic resident blackbird who’s growing numbers warn of spring’s approach. 

Bonus: First Signs of Spring – Voice of the Wild

First Signs of Spring
What are the first and most reliable signs of spring? In this episode we’re giving voice to the plants and animals that manage to break through winter's chill to warn of the spring ahead. This episode features both wildlife...

Episode 41: Red-Shouldered Hawk – Voice of the Wild

Red-shouldered hawk (Buteo lineatus). 

An agile forest “buteo” with handsome plumage. 

Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect noises? Join Voice of the Wild every Friday to explore a...

Episode 40: Northern Saw-Whet Owl – Voice of the Wild

Northern saw-whet owl (Aegolius acadicus). 

A cute but seldom-seen owl that visits Illinois only in fall and winter. 

Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect noises? Join Voice of the...

Episode 39: Barred Owl – Voice of the Wild

Barred owl (Strix varia).

The dark-eyed owl with a goofy call, a quirky history, and a penchant for bottomland forests. 

Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect noises? Join Voice of...

Does the Robin Bring the Spring? – Voice of the Wild

Is the American Robin really the first harbinger of spring? In this episode I talk about the partially-migratory American Robin and why so many folks seem to think it disappears for the winter. This is an isolated segment of an upcoming bonus episode about the earliest and most reliable signs...

Episode 38: Great Horned Owl – Voice of the Wild

Great horned owl (Bubo virginianus).

The quintessential “whooo” owl call belongs to the Great horned owl, North America’s most widespread owl species. The haunting duet of a pair of Great Horned Owls can be heard in the late...

Episode 37: Black-Capped or Carolina? Chickadee ID – Voice of the Wild

The Black-capped and Carolina chickadee’s range only barely intersects, so identification is typically as easy as finding out which side of the line you are on. Unfortunately, for those within a few tens of miles of the line, a confident ID may not be possible. 


Episode 36: Red-Tailed Hawk – Voice of the Wild

Red-tailed hawk (Buteo jamaicensis). 

One of the largest and most common raptors in North America and a common sight along highways, especially in winter. 
Do you want to learn more bird songs,...

Episode 35: Yellow-Rumped Warbler – Voice of the Wild

Yellow-Rumped Warbler (Setophaga coronata).

One of the few wood warblers that can be found in the Midwest during winter.

Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect noises? Join...

Episode 34: Red-Headed Woodpecker – Voice of the Wild

Red-headed woodpecker (Melanerpes erythrocephalus).

The only midwestern woodpecker with a head that’s red from nape to throat. 

Do you want to learn more bird songs, frog calls, and insect...

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