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Blog Posts

eastern bluebird with caterpillar
Read article: Field notes from the bluebird trail
Field notes from the bluebird trail
By Joe Huether, Illinois Extension Master Naturalist serving Fulton, Mason, Peoria, and Tazewell countiesFor as long as I can remember, I’ve...
humming bird
Read article: Hummingbirds are on the move
Hummingbirds are on the move
Every spring, I look forward to the return of the hummingbirds. Their aerial antics around the feeder, zooming by with iridescent flashes of green,...
Conservation at Home sign in a flower garden
Read article: Embrace eco-friendly yards with Conservation@Home in West Central Illinois
Embrace eco-friendly yards with Conservation@Home in West Central Illinois
Conservation@Home is making its way to our region, thanks to the collaborative...
bee on sedum
Read article: Choose native plants for ecological benefits and wildlife resources
Choose native plants for ecological benefits and wildlife resources
Are you looking to select plants that support local wildlife, conserve water, and enhance the overall ecosystem in Central Illinois? Here are some...

News Releases

a Black-crowned night heron
Conservation project tracks behavior, migration of Chicago's endangered heron
URBANA, Ill. — Among the snowbirds returning north for the summer, A24 is special. For one thing, A24 is an actual bird: a Black-crowned night heron, to be exact. And it has just returned to Chicago to join hundreds of its kind nesting near Lake Michigan. But unlike the human snowbirds that...
Yellow and grey Cedar waxwing bird in an evergreen.
Bring birds close to home by gardening for feathered friends
URBANA, Ill. — People plant gardens for food, flowers, and function, but planting for the birds can be beautiful and beneficial to the environment. What if instead of storebought bird seed in a feeder, gardens could include a buffet of different foods for birds while also being a beautiful...

