
The Cattle Connection
black baldy cows grazing
Read article: Cue the Crossbreeding
Cue the Crossbreeding
Recently I saw an old advertisement for hybrid seed corn. The two inbred parent ears of corn were small and low yielding, but the hybrid ear in the...
Angus bull picture
Read article: What will a good bull cost me?
What will a good bull cost me?
A popular question this time of year is “What will a good bull cost me?.” My go-to answer is usually… “How much revenue loss would you have from a...
Cow with calf
Read article: Tips for calving season
Tips for calving season
Although there are year-round management strategies that can impact calving season success, here are some short-term, in-the-moment calving tips for...
cows eating hay in the winter
Read article: Planning and managing to avoid calving trouble
Planning and managing to avoid calving trouble
Dystocia, meaning “difficult birth,” often results in loss of a calf or complications after birth of a live calf. Some examples of complications...
sacrifice paddock that is overgrazed
Read article: What is overgrazing?
What is overgrazing?
Overgrazing is the failure to match animal grazing to forage growth and production. Overgrazing occurs when animals are allowed to continuously...
calves eating at the bunk
Read article: Tips for developing replacement heifers
Tips for developing replacement heifers
Failure to develop heifers that can stay productive in the herd is a costly mistake. To help achieve successful heifer development, it is important...
mature grass in a pasture
Read article: Is mowing pasture a good thing?
Is mowing pasture a good thing?
During the summer I frequently get asked about mowing pastures. Often, farmers are seeking a yes or no answer…and hopefully validation of their...
hay in a hoop barn
Read article: Start with a forage test
Start with a forage test
The foundation of a least-cost, balanced winter ration starts with a forage test. For those buying or selling hay, forage testing can play an...