Recently I saw an old advertisement for hybrid seed corn. The two inbred parent ears of corn were small and low yielding, but the hybrid ear in the middle was robust and high yielding. Sure, this is not new news to you as a reader, but often simple messages, even old ones are worthwhile.Obviously,...
A popular question this time of year is “What will a good bull cost me?.” My go-to answer is usually… “How much revenue loss would you have from a pasture full of open cows?” After all, we often de-value the role of the bull. We forget that he is a crucial part of the equation to making our product...
Although there are year-round management strategies that can impact calving season success, here are some short-term, in-the-moment calving tips for success this year.Prepare a calving kit. The last thing you want to be is unprepared during calving season. Having all calving equipment clean, ready...
Dystocia, meaning “difficult birth,” often results in loss of a calf or complications after birth of a live calf. Some examples of complications after a difficult birth can include aspiration pneumonia, joint damage, nerve damage, and hypoxia. Another big problem can be failure of passive transfer...
Overgrazing is the failure to match animal grazing to forage growth and production. Overgrazing occurs when animals are allowed to continuously harvest a plant without allowing the plant to feed itself. Over time, overgrazing causes reduced pasture stands and forces the cattlemen to feed purchased...
Failure to develop heifers that can stay productive in the herd is a costly mistake. To help achieve successful heifer development, it is important to adopt an optimal mindset, not a maximal one.If every heifer was to breed, undoubtedly fallout would occur as young cows. Short productive life as a...
During the summer I frequently get asked about mowing pastures. Often, farmers are seeking a yes or no answer…and hopefully validation of their current practice. Unfortunately, the answer is somewhat dependent on previous pasture management and the chosen grazing system.If pastures have heavy weed...
The foundation of a least-cost, balanced winter ration starts with a forage test. For those buying or selling hay, forage testing can play an even bigger role in pricing and purchasing value. Sample in lots A ‘lot’ is defined as forages from the same field, harvested at...
Seedstock breeders should be identifying bulls they plan to consign to the 2025 Illinois Performance Tested (IPT) Bull Sale. The IPT Bull Sale is the leadoff event for the annual Illinois Beef Expo. The sale is scheduled for Thursday, February 20 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield....
There is no more unnerving feeling than hearing the veterinarian say “open” too many times during preg-check. Having some open cows is normal in a 60-90 day breeding season. However, if the number of open cows is excessive (greater than 6-10%), evaluation of management, nutrition and herd health...