
Recent News
A closeup of a small bug
Bugs can be a solution for high-tunnel farmers
SIMPSON, Ill. – More Illinois specialty crop growers are planting in high tunnels to benefit from the extended growing season, increased crop diversity, higher yields, and improved quality. But high tunnels come with their own unique challenges including insect pests that can cause major...
tractor and disk
Share rural roads safely during spring planting season
URBANA, Ill. – After a cold, wet spring Illinois farmers are racing to get their crops in the field. As large farm equipment moves along country roads, both farmers and those driving a vehicle should adopt a "safety first" attitude.  The 2022 spring planting season is...
Illinois Extension wordmark
Farmers battle clock, weeds in spring planting season
URBANA, Ill. – With a warm, dry stretch of weather, Illinois farmers are racing to get corn and soybean crops planted. University of Illinois Extension Weed Scientist Aaron Hager spoke with Media Communications Specialist...
An open field with sunlight
Test field scouting skills with high school Crop Scouting Competition
URBANA, Ill. – A farmer knowing how corn or soybean crops are progressing or being able to identify an insect can mean the difference between a profitable harvest and a bad year. The youth Illinois Crop Scouting Competition puts teams of agriculture students to the test. This hands-on contest in...
Crop scientists explore using predator insects to eat pests in high tunnels
URBANA, Ill. – Crouched between rows of tomatoes and peppers tucked inside a high tunnel, researchers pluck insects off plants in the name of science. Because to catch a pest, you may have to release a predator. The flourishing local foods movement is driving more Illinois farmers to...
Plant cover crops at home for healthier soils
URBANA, Ill. – Healthy soil is essential for healthy plants. Using cover crops in the home garden is one way to promote soil health. Cover crops are non-harvested crops that add organic matter to the soil, transfer nitrogen to plants, and break up heavy clay or compacted soil. They...
Armyworms march into Illinois' fields, lawns, gardens
  URBANA, Ill. – Fall armyworm caterpillars are enjoying a bountiful meal at the expense of farmers and homeowners. Prevalent in the southern states, the adult moths move north to Illinois to mate and lay eggs. This year’s appearance is earlier and in higher...
Stay up to date on latest ag practices with online, on-demand CropFlix
URBANA, Ill. – Farming in Illinois is very different than it was even 50 years ago and so is how row crop producers stay up to date on the latest recommendations. For more than 100 years, local University of Illinois Extension agriculture experts have worked in person and in the field...
Aphid pests on the move in backyard gardens, agricultural fields
URBANA, Ill. – Ever spy small, yellow dots on the back of plant leaves during the summer months? Those tiny pear-shaped specks are aphids. Aphids are a common insect pest in the home landscape and for houseplants. There are many species of aphids in Illinois and they feed on a large...