Commercial Agriculture
Commercial Agriculture spans a wide range of topics and works to address the needs of various producers. The expertise of our local educational specialists combined with the resources of the statewide Illinois Extension system form a powerful source of information and insight for agricultural producers in our region.
Need help identifying an insect, weed, disease or figuring out what is harming your plants or trees? Or looking for resources on pesticides, grazing, new agriculture technologies or alternative land uses? Contact Local Foods & Small Farms Educator Doug Gucker by email, call 217-877-6042 or submit your question here for research-based answers you can trust
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Variety Testing Program
Annual crop performance tests on hybrids and varieties of the major Illinois field crops.

Certified Crop Adviser
CropFlix is streamable content for row crop producers, advisers, and agronomists who want to improve their cropping systems and earn CEUs. These sessions provide research updates and best management practices for row crop production in Illinois.

Private Applicator Training
Online course to assist private pesticide applicators preparing for the licensing examination
Check out Farmdoc for research based information, market updates, crop insurance, and more!