News Releases

Extension continues transition to online webinars, 4-H shows, events
URBANA, Ill. – As Illinois residents contemplate the impact of the coronavirus health pandemic on summer plans, University of Illinois Extension has released updated guidelines for Extension sponsored events and activities. The new guidelines continue to focus on the safety of event participants...
Endless Possibilities in 4-H By: Ava Anderson
Endless Possibilities in 4-H By: Ava Anderson   Diversity is the art of thinking independently together. 4-H is a family made of people who are all unique and share different passions, but unite as one in their 4-H careers. Hi, my name is Ava Anderson and I...
Master Gardener program offers online training
URBANA, Ill. — For nearly five decades, Illinois Master Gardeners have measured success by gardens planted, insects identified, produce harvested, and the millions of hours volunteers have logged by helping others learn to grow. From...
Farmers needed for paid cover crop trial
URBANA, Ill. - Illinois farmers willing to participate in a paid cover crop demonstration trial are needed beginning in fall 2020. Participation is now open.  The Illinois Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program partners with university researchers and...
Earth Day 2020
Edwards County Earth Day Challenge-A huge success!
The Earth Day Challenge was a huge success! There were a total of six 4-H youth who participated in this Clean-Up Community Service Project. I would like to thank Hayley Perry, Hannah Perry, Owen Lynch, Cooper Lynch, and Brier Lynch for picking up trash near their homes. I am ecstatic to see 4-H...
Raise chickens in your own backyard
KANKAKEE, Ill. - As more families consider growing their own food, chickens are a popular choice for a fresh source of eggs. Learn the basics of caring for chickens, from housing to health in a free online webinar offered by University of Illinois...
Managing harvest-ready cattle during packing plant slow downs
BAYLIS, Ill. - Temporary closures and slow-downs in the meat packing industry have caused many tough decisions for cattle feeders. In the situation where cattle cannot go to market, feeders need to decide what management and nutritional strategies to deploy. Holding fed cattle at a...
Learn tips for keeping your brain fit
URBANA, Ill. – Staying fit doesn’t only mean exercising and eating healthy foods. With age, it’s important to do activities which keep our brains fit and healthy, as well as our bodies. Beginning May 7, University of Illinois Extension will...
Worm Composting is a DIY Project For All Ages
DECATUR, Ill. — DIY projects are a great way to welcome Spring. Have you ever considered Worm Composting or Vermicomposting? One pound of worms- about 500 worms- can eat between one-half and one pound of food waste per day and can double in population in a month if they have sufficient food,...
'Egg'cellent food safety tips keep us healthy
This time of year is popular for dyeing and decorating hard-boiled eggs. Food safety is important to remember when handling eggs to prevent unwanted foodborne illnesses. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration estimates 79,000 Americans get sick every year from Salmonella found in eggs....
What is a 4-H Meeting Like? By Jake Wiseman
What is a 4-H meeting like? By Jake Wiseman           4-H meetings are always really fun. I am a member of the Ellery Panthers 4-H Club. The club meeting starts off with the pledges, and then the secretary takes roll call. After that...
New website offers advice for feeding babies
URBANA, Ill. - Families with questions about safe and healthy practices for feeding infants now have a reliable source for answers. Feeding My Baby from Cradle to Table, a new website from ...
Improve your gardens: Four Seasons webinar offers tips
URBANA, Ill. - Extend the beauty and productivity of this year's garden. University of Illinois Extension horticulture experts have added five new offerings to the popular Four Seasons Gardening ...
Understanding the truths of autism
URBANA, Ill. - The myths surrounding autism often overshadow the truths. Leading University of Illinois experts will provide insight into what autism is as they debunk myths during an online webinar from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesday, April 7....