University of Illinois Extension Master Gardeners
Don’t Miss Our 2021 Plant Sale!
Calling all gardeners: Save the date of Saturday, June 12, 2021 for the Lake County Extension Master Gardener Spring Plant Sale at the University of Illinois Extension. At our plant sale, you will find high quality plants from our Lake County Master Gardeners and our Extension Demonstration Gardens.
In total, we expect close to 2,000 plants will be available for purchase, including perennials, native plants that attract and support pollinators, houseplants, and homegrown herbs. In addition to plants, shop our “Garden Treasures,” for new and gently used items to enhance your landscape and home, including yard art, garden tools, decorative containers and gardening books.
For your convenience, there are multiple checkout lanes, plentiful parking and assistance with plant selection and gardening questions from Extension Master Gardeners. Payments are accepted in cash, by check or charge.
The Plant Sale is the Extension Master Gardeners’ primary fundraising event of the year. All proceeds support projects and programming for volunteers, youth and adults.
For the safety of our customers and volunteers, masks and 6 ft. social distancing are required.
In addition:
- Hand sanitizer stations will be provided
- Plants will be spread out to maintain social distancing
- The number of people in the sales area at one time will be limited to meet state guidelines for gathering
For More Information:
Call 847-223-8627 and ask for an Extension Master Gardener or email uiemg-lake@illinois.edu
To give you an idea of what we may have at the sale, this is a list of the plants that are available
Note: Vegetable transplants will not be available this year due to the later sale date.