Sixth Annual Countywide Tech Fest Coming-Home School Youth Welcome!
The University of Illinois Extension will be sponsoring a Countywide Tech Fest on Friday, October 25th. This event will take place at the House of Prayer Church in Albion.
All 5th Grade students from the Albion Grade School, West Salem Grade School, and home school groups in the area are welcome and encouraged to attend. It will be a fun filled and busy day learning about technology, science, and engineering.
Both public schools (5th grade) are planning to attend and we want to make sure everyone knows about this event. Home School youth are encouraged to attend also if you are 3rd grade and up. If you are home schooled and have attended in a past year, you are still welcome to take part, sessions are always changing, simply call the Extension office in Albion at 618.445.2934 for sign up details. The event is free and this will be the sixth year we have had it. The day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and students will depart at 2:15 p.m.
The students will go in groups to four different stations learning and doing hands on activities. The four sessions for the day will be: Boat Challenge, Roller Coasters, Building a Catapult, and Ecobots. We ask that students bring their lunch from school or pack a lunch for the day. Snacks will be provided to everyone.
The activities presented are 4-H National Youth Science Experiments and hands on activities that help develop math skills, learn engineering concepts, determine the most effective environmental clean-up solution for a simulated toxic spill, and have fun working together.
University of Illinois Extension Edwards Co. Ph. 618.445.2934 Fax 618.445.3746
University of Illinois Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment. If you need a reasonable
accommodation to participate, please contact the Edwards Co. Extension office at 618.445.2934. Early requests are strongly
encouraged to allow sufficient time for meeting your access needs.