The Illinois 4-H Foundation annually recognizes 4-H volunteers for exemplary service to the Illinois 4-H program. This year, new members were inducted into the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame during a celebration Tuesday, Aug. 13 at the Illinois State Fair in Springfield.
In Edwards County, Neil Fearn was selected as a “Class of 2019” inductee for the Illinois 4-H Hall of Fame. Neil is a very dedicated volunteer who cares a lot about the youth of Edwards County. He has been an Edwards Co. 4-H leader for 30+ years, President of the County Fair Board for many years, active on the Farm Bureau board, and he is a well known farmer in our area. Over the years 4-H has made changes and being a part of the Fair Board Neil has always rolled with the punches and made it all work together. Edwards County 4-H youth are lucky to have Neil as a leader!
The Illinois 4-H Foundation raises private funds that are invested in Illinois 4-H programs that provide meaningful, positive development experiences for Illinois youth to develop leadership, citizenship, and life skills. To learn more, visit:
About 4-H: Illinois 4-H empowers and prepares Illinois youth for success. University of Illinois Extension provides 4-H programs in every county in Illinois, affecting the lives of 200,000 youth each year through sustained learning clubs, groups and short-term programming.